Tuesday, May 03, 2011

There's a light at the end of the tunnel

I may or may not be going to Dallas next week to interview for a design engineering position!!! WOOHOO!! I am so excited. This will be just another step forward in my career goal of being a subject matter expert in engineering...or something. The news could not have come at a better time; my car's alternator went out Saturday, my oven broke and I need new truck tires. So yeah, I could use some good news.

Work has been soooo tough. I am exhausted at the end of every day. I love it though, deep down. I have a ton of projects that are really big and I enjoy the responsibility. However, the results never reward me enough to keep me happy all the time. I think it's mostly my issue, but I feel like we just don't get any respect. I know that deep down we are respected as MEs, but it seems people just don't want to admit it. Oh well. I'll keep working hard and I know my work will pay off eventually. Anyways, I just wanted to fill you in with my latest status on going elsewhere. I really hope this stuff pans out, but if not, I will keep looking for the next opportunity to develop my skills and position myself somewhere I will be valued.

In other news, I got the chance to visit Pleasant Valley's young professionals class last Sunday. It was great to study the Word with intelligent people who are experiencing life in the same way I am. They have great comments and I enjoy the change of perspective (sorry SAU folks). PV has some great stuff going right now.

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