Sunday, April 15, 2012

Finally home

Well a ton has happened since I last posted on here. I'll sum it up in a few lines.
1. Moved to Dallas.
2. Ran out of time in temporary living and had to hotel hop until my apartment was open.
3. Moved all my stuff out of Camden.
4. Received an offer on my house in Camden.

That brings me up to today. I just received the offer last week and I accepted it, so now they have to do a home inspection and all that jazz. I did get what I asked for on the sale price, but after the small things I agreed to, I only end up making about three thousand more than I paid for the house (still not bad for dodging rent for three years). Assuming everything works out, I'll be debt free with a little extra money to put towards the next house. Woohoo! God is good and I'm still praying all the home sale goes well. I don't know of any serious things the inspection could turn up, but those guys are experts at finding stuff.

My job here in Dallas is kinda cool. It's basically design support for the program I worked in Camden. I make phone calls daily to Camden and talk with engineers there that I worked with when I lived down there. It is a very slow program though, and that gets annoying sometimes. There's one other guy under the age of 30 on the team and he's fun to hang out with. He lives on the other side of town, though, so he doesn't make it up much.

Speaking of hanging out, I got to chill with Ryan and Landon this weekend. We had a blast Saturday, starting at the Mellow Mushroom and ending at Riscky's BBQ singing karaoke. I miss those two guys and I was glad to get to see them. As abrasive as Ryan is, I really believe he has a good heart and I know Landon is a good guy too. We hung out with various other people as they came and went throughout the day. I toured the Rahr brewery, which was neat. Good times.

I am flying to see V in two weeks. I am excited for two reasons: 1) I'm flying, 2) I haven't seen her in forever. Those weren't ranked in level of excitement, btw. =-)

DFW is great. I do sometimes miss just a short jaunt over to the store and being able to drive without thinking, but there is just so much here to do. It's great.

Well, that's about all for right now. I may have finally found a church home; it's a little bit of a drive, but the college/singles group is fun and they do actually hang out outside of worship. It's too bad so many people aren't connected to the group, though. Sigh...if they only knew what they were missing.

p.s. Pray for my engineering math class. I can't seem to stay caught up on the theory in there and I never seem to make enough time to actually study up. I have to get a B.

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