She just left. A piece of my heart breaks off everytime we have to part company. She showed up and walked through my door just a little over 4 days ago and we set out on an adventure. We hastily loaded up and started driving to Vicksburg, MS. On the way, we grabbed a cache I had been hunting for a while. We stopped at McDonalds and had lunch and she sat inside while I talked with my career coach in the car. No complaints from her. We got to Vicksburg and my hotel was not where it was supposed to be. Thanks to great dad, we made our way to where our hotel was located. When we got there we were exhausted so we chilled in the awesome hotel room for a few minutes before we headed off to the Military park. We got to the welcome center just in time to catch the last few minutes of the 1960s movie about park's history. We then drove through the lower half of the park and headed to the hotel room. We went out and I found some more caches while also looking for a pizza joint. We grabbed some grub and drinks and headed to the room to crash.
Thursday we got up early and drove to Jackson to the zoo. It was packed with kids. There were easily 20 buses there and most of the kiddoes were under 10. Fun times! We did get some of those super tasty Krystal burgers, though. On the way out of town, we stopped by a place that used to be a POW for German soldiers. It was all overgrown, but still kinda cool. I found two caches there. :) When we got back to Vicksburg, we went to the Coca-Cola museum and visited a really old pharmacy. It was neat, although both need some work. While we were downtown, all these cops and other emergency vehicles went by. We just figured someone fell in the river. We found out later that they had found a car in the river with a body inside. We totally missed the action. We went down to the old court house too, it was about to close but we did get to look it over quickly. Ice cream was on tap for dinner Thursday and we went swimming in this cool little indoor/outdoor pool. It was warmer than the hot tub and a great time.
Friday morning we got up late and finished the Military park. I had heard of a cool waterfall in the woods, so we hiked there. It was crazy!! The "trail" leading to it was a goat trail at best and V fell once and I nearly died. She grabbed a tree on her way down and it probably saved her from some serious injuries. Once at the waterfall, she nearly put her hand on a snake. The waterfall was lame. On the way out of town, we visited the Confederate cemetery (which is outside the park, only Union soldiers are inside). We also went by the remains of a canal that Grant had tried to dig during the Vicksburg siege.
Saturday we worked in the yard all day. V is a real trooper and she raked leaves for like five hours. We went to a SWEET little bar in Eldo that night and heard a band called PAIL play. I would rec commend them; they rock. We got home at 1. This morning was tough, but we made it to class at church and I introduced her to all my friends there. They all seemed to like her. I figured they would. :)
We came home to nap and now she's gone. My wonderful spring break is coming to an end and the love of my life is now heading to her place in Bryant. Everytime she leaves, a piece of my heart breaks off. It's bleeding now.