Monday, January 17, 2011

And the walls came crashing down...

Man I had a great time snowboarding last week. I went with the Razorbacks for Christ and we enjoyed some great powder. There were plenty of setbacks for the trip, like a the trailer didn't have lights, we had to use a bus instead of a van, the van had transmission issues and my handle broke off on my hummer, but otherwise we had an uneventful trip. No injuries except for plenty of skiers who had their pride hurt when they tried to snowboard and failed. I hung out with some old friends and met some new friends and really enjoyed the energy of the group. I hit up some bowls and might have pulled off a jump or two. I think if my knee is better next year, I might really try some jumps. I have the stability part down now, so jumps are the next step.

So about a week after that last post, the walls collapsed. I'm not sure where my life is heading now because what I had held as a constant has proven to not be so constant. I am sure that it will come back for me, but for right now I am putting it in God's hands completely. It's a scary feeling to not know what will happen. I know God has tests for us so that we can see our need for Him and I truly believe I am seeing that now. I will have to grow some and it will be painful, but I really hope that she can truly grow and see the love God has for her, just as she is. Regardless of what happens, I am still blessed beyond measure and truly appreciate her running into my life. God sends us people sometimes to help us become great and I believe she helped me on my way. I hope that she can continue to be my motivator, but it's in His hands now.

Work tomorrow. Should be interesting to see what I missed last week. Hopefully I can stay busy. However, in my spare time, I think I'll do some job searching. Like many people have said, it's time for change. Have a great week!

Saturday, January 01, 2011


I am probably the most blessed guy to ever graduate from Caddo Hills, go to the University of Arkansas and work where I work...and yet I'm miserable at times. I had a great time snowboarding. My family is wonderful and I got some great gifts. I am blessed beyond belief with an excellent girlfriend and I have a job. However, I am just not content.

I'm about to go back to work in just a few hours and I'm so dreading it. I posted last time about some of the stuff that I despise about my job and I just keeping asking myself if it will get any better. I have a good friend that loves his job; he constantly tells me he hasn't worked in years because his job is far from work. I don't feel that way currently. There are some days that go really well and I think I have those things documented so I know what I enjoy, but I think more often than not, things go poorly.

I just don't know. It's frustrating because I can't pin down exactly what I could do differently and I don't want to be that guy that is never satisfied; I also don't want to be the guy that is just content with mediocrity.

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