Saturday, August 25, 2007's over

This week has been long. Long and very, very busy. The sad part is that I haven't really started work yet. That fun ride will start this week. My four hour break on Mondays is now gone, but I think I'll get most of my mentees visited in convenient fashion. I am really pumped about getting to know the freshmen. They seem like an interesting bunch. I spoke with many of them, at the Friday picnic, about cars for 45 minutes solid. It'll be fun times and a little extra pay to get by with.
My classes are interesting. They'll be rough because of all the work, but at least they're interesting. Propulsion is already uber hard, but ICengines and and German are going to be okay. I really enjoy German so far, but it could be tough come the first string of tests. Ethics is not too tough and is really enjoyable and I think Lab III will be good stuff too.
Hm...let's see what else is going on. Oh yes, the house. The house is quite nice. Although there are plenty of things left to do, I really like living all off campus. Getting to and from class is kinda a pain sometimes, but it's well worth it. I've found that reading on the bus isn't too hard, so I can make good use of the time spent riding it. I even met a former ME on there who was super interested in cars. He joined ME but felt he wouldn't get to work with cars like he wanted to so he went to communication. I don't understand his logic, but oh well.
That's it for tonight. I doubt I have much time during the week to post here, but I will try to update as I can. I know once work and classes and football season get into full swing, I'll be out of luck for time. I'm good at making it, though, and I hope that skill gets put into full use this semester.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Guess who lives across from the Hog House???

So I'm moved in and my parents rock!!! My mom was so awesome decorating my room. I still have lots of room on my walls, but now it's dark in there when it's light outside, the colors match and it's the most beautiful burnt orange EVER. I've got my burnt sienna room, my burnt orange sheets with the horns, and some nice black curtains. It's cool cause I can look out my window and see this house covered in hog gear. It's all over the yard and stuff. So when they're having some pity drinks, I'll be sipping my party mixes.
So I got the two couches in, the recliner, my bed, and my drawers. I'm really happy with how the house looks, but since it's not done yet I'm a bit worried about when it will be finished. Michael mentioned reimbursing us for the days we're not going to be in the house, I hope so.
I finally heard from Steven. That lil punk's been hiding out all summer and so I was glad to hear he was still alive. It's going to be an awesome time this year with Jordan and Steve. We're going to have some sweet parties, some sweet Saturday mornings in the garage and some gooooooood cooking.
Work's almost over. It's enjoyed it, but I should've managed my time a little better. I am about half-way done with this project and I feel horrible. I hope the guys can finish it off. It'd be a shame to see all my hard, quick work go to waste. Anywho, I'm going to go read and enjoy my last night here in the country Good riddance.
Oh one more thing. I spend 2 hours yesterday making this awesome slideshow, with music and all, for Vanessa. I really think she liked it and that made my day. Check out to make your own. ;)

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

He thinks he can dance...and don't tell him otherwise

This weekend was amazing! I left on Thursday, alone, and headed for my grandma's house. This weekend could've been better if V would've came with me, but oh well. It was awesome nonetheless. I drove and drove and drove and finally made it into McKinney. I spent the night and the next morning hit up some thrift stores. I had planned on bringing all my dirty clothes to wash at my grandma's but I forgot them. I luckily brought a few extra sets of clothes to wear. I didn't bring any undies or socks though. I hit up some thrift stores and finally got everything I needed. My front tires were a little bald, so I got some new tires too. I ate some Arby's with my grandma and then headed off to Plano.
I picked up Amy in Plano. I planned a nice route on some turnpikes through Dallas. Earlier, on thursday, I paid 3.50 in a check to Oklahoma for the turnpike. Well we made great time, but it cost us over $2 to get there. When I showed up it was crazy! Everyone was dancing, the music was loud and the vibe was great. I was nervous. I hadn't really been this energetic in a long time and honestly hadn't hung out with anyone of a different race for more than a few minutes since high school; this weekend was going to be an awakening. I mixed and mingled and met this crazy short girl named Domonique. I laughed with her and Tori and Carol until I cried and then we ran off to McD's. I won't go through the rest of the trip, but let's just say I haven't laughed that hard in a long time.
Saturday morning came early. I grabbed breakfast, with one of my room mates and headed to registration. I only thought Friday was wild; Saturday morning was off the hook! We were yelling and dancing and I was not looking forward to the weekend. I shrugged it off and yelled along with them. That's when it started; I began to lose all inhibition. The rest of the day was a blur. I met a ton of amazing people, and thought about all I'd been missing out on in life. I spoke up when asked and followed with needed. We came up with chants "We represent" "HP, HP" "Nortel" "HP, HP" "Nortel". It was great. I learned about resumes and interviews and even more I learned about myself. I met a guy named Jonah, who was crazy loud and exciting. I met Charles, who was from Pine Bluff and a true leader through and through. I met PArker, who was nerd all the way and very proud of it. I met Gilberto, who really could relate to others. I met Alamzeb, who I never really got his name but made me laugh for his nutting speeches about not dancing. I don't remember much of the day, but I do remember the Target party. It was WILD! Red lights everywhere and punch and food and crazy awesome dancing. At this point I had been wanting to bust my stuff, so I found a group of girls and jumped in the middle. It was awesome. Charles, I think, ran up to me and was "work it, Blair" or "there you go". I felt awesome at that point and danced until the lights came up. At one point some DLP guys drug me into a circle, mainly because I was stopped for a second to relax. That was cool. But yeah, Alamzeb wouldn't dance, but I did get Gabrielle to dance and even this cool guy from HP, Daniel. It was fun and I was so sweaty and hot afterwards.
Sunday I woke up with a killer sinus headache and a sadness inside. I knew it was the last day, of only two days, and I had just started meeting these awesome new people. We learned about diversity and did the coolest activity I've ever done. It involved beads and a clear box and the beads represented races. I found it sad that my box had 20 or so white beads and three other colors. THREE!!! I've been half way across the world and I had three off white beads. The questions were mostly out of my control, but still...I really felt sad. I learned that although most people tend to float toward one personality trait, I'm really right in the middle. Well we chanted and practiced more chants and then turned out to not get to use them. I danced some more and then....get this...I wont some money for being myself all weekend. I got $500 from HP and the HP people in our group picked me. It was me and Jonah and Charles and this other real outspoken girl, Randesha. I got up there, dancing and got Daniel to dance too. It was soooooo cool. I couldn't believe it. I was shaking and stuff. I listened to an awesome speech about getting my kindergarten confidence back and an even more amazing poem about living my life to the fullest from the coolest emcee, Trey. Then it was over. I packed up, hugged everyone and left. On the way out I ran into alam and Charles. We got a few more pictures together and left. Slightly before that, Alam told me he'd pick up one of those awesome Longhorn magnets to put on my car (he goes to UT). That made my afternoon. So yeah I'm pumped that I went, some for money, but mainly because of all the awesome people I met. I can't get over the leadership I witnessed this weekend. It was life changing in all ways and I can't wait to see where everyone else takes their lives.
I made it back to Gege's, after having a nice conversation with Amy and not hitting any tolls. The drive home was long and thoughtful. I jammed to every rap song I had on my iPod and danced and thought about all the good times I had.
Then it ended. On the way to work today my car overheated and stopped running. I had it towed into Joplin. It's going to cost most of the money I have left that I made this summer. All things end in time, I hope the same isn't true of my friendships with the people I met this weekend.

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