Saturday, August 25, 2007's over

This week has been long. Long and very, very busy. The sad part is that I haven't really started work yet. That fun ride will start this week. My four hour break on Mondays is now gone, but I think I'll get most of my mentees visited in convenient fashion. I am really pumped about getting to know the freshmen. They seem like an interesting bunch. I spoke with many of them, at the Friday picnic, about cars for 45 minutes solid. It'll be fun times and a little extra pay to get by with.
My classes are interesting. They'll be rough because of all the work, but at least they're interesting. Propulsion is already uber hard, but ICengines and and German are going to be okay. I really enjoy German so far, but it could be tough come the first string of tests. Ethics is not too tough and is really enjoyable and I think Lab III will be good stuff too.
Hm...let's see what else is going on. Oh yes, the house. The house is quite nice. Although there are plenty of things left to do, I really like living all off campus. Getting to and from class is kinda a pain sometimes, but it's well worth it. I've found that reading on the bus isn't too hard, so I can make good use of the time spent riding it. I even met a former ME on there who was super interested in cars. He joined ME but felt he wouldn't get to work with cars like he wanted to so he went to communication. I don't understand his logic, but oh well.
That's it for tonight. I doubt I have much time during the week to post here, but I will try to update as I can. I know once work and classes and football season get into full swing, I'll be out of luck for time. I'm good at making it, though, and I hope that skill gets put into full use this semester.

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