Tuesday, September 02, 2008

There is a 100% chance of rain for the next 24 hours. How crazy is that? The rain here has been so calming; not that I've been stressed or anything, it's just amazing to sit and listen to it. I sat in my car for about 10 minutes when I got home and just took it all in.

I finally know what my parents meant when they said it never ends. I painted some stuff today and found more stuff to fix up here. I'm starting to like my house much more, although a bigger AC unit will help me like it faster and more. I guess I'm really just happy to have my own place. Camden's not great and I probably won't get out of this house with much of a profit, but it's not too bad. I like walking around my place in my undies or playing my music as loud as I want. I can watch TV in the morning or TV at night, although I only have rabbit ears so I don't get many channels. It's just nice to always have something to do. At the same time, I'm utterly exhausted every night. I've gained some weight and my feet don't like it. I don't know what I've been doing different, but I'm determined to lose the weight. I just started working out a few times a week and that's already making an impact. It's weird because I look better than I've looked in a while, but I weight more.

I'm pumped about the game this weekend. I love LR games when I don't have to drive there from Faytown. I've got some coworkers who are throwing a tailgate party, so that'll be fun.

Good luck paddling on the river tonight.

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