Saturday, October 04, 2008

It was a Chamber of Commerce day in Fayetteville

Man campus was great on Friday. It was awesome to just chill and not go to class or have things to study for. I went to the ME building and logged into the computer there. I saw my old boss from the FEP and printed off some stuff from the library. We then proceeded to hit up some B-dubs and watched Iron Man at Kristin's apartment. It was bittersweet to be there again crashed out on the couch. I remember all the movie nights we had there and the great parties we put on. Ryan, Kristin, V and I considered going to the Hper to ball it up some more, but decided we'd rather just eat some ice cream at Cold Stone.

Today was fun too. It started out with rain and cold, but by game time the weather had cleared and it was great. V and I sat next to some cool guys who were up cheering and throwing out all these Razorback stats. The game started pretty good; the hogs played some good defense and actually moved the ball. I thought the hogs had some great plays and showed me that they can actually play. Their biggest problem was just keeping the ball moving. They'd have some awesome plays and then drop it in penalties or just stall out. We never miss a chance to shoot ourselves in the foot. But yeah, at halftime we went over to the student section and cheered. I thought a few times that we were going to pull off an upset, but during the fourth quarter, we just died. It was cool seeing Tebow play and the gators did a decent job. I felt like Tebow didn't really play until about the third quarter. He seemed to be holding back.

Anywho, I'm at V's for the weekend. My car is getting some tune-up work on the suspension, so I'm probably not going to be at work on Monday. Fine by be; I could use the extra sleep.

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