Sunday, December 07, 2008

He's a maniac, maniac...

Today was good. I went to Bible class and learned about self-control, which currently I have none of. I sat next to a really nice lady who's in her 30s and has a cute little kid. She comes to our singles class and I really think she's nice. It was nice to have someone to sit close to. After church, the preacher invited me to eat. That was fun...and free.

I came home and cleaned house some. I mostly did laundry and ironed. I then did something I am super proud of: I ran almost 2 miles. Yeah, that's right. I strapped on my camelback and took off running. It took about 20minutes, but that's okay. I am not going for the land speed record, just endurance and calorie burns. I showered and went to a small group Bible study and although the actual discussion was lame, the people there were nice. One guy is younger and a coach and he invited me to a ball game Tuesday. It's nice to have something to do that I dont have to plan myself. I will probably see if the guys want to go and maybe this girl I met at work. Her name is Katie, she's 25 and has a kid ( I think). She's pretty cool and a little wild, but that's okay. I am trying to bring her into the circle of friends so we have some female presence. I miss hanging out with girls (especially one in particular whose name will not be mentioned here but begins with a V).

Other than that I was a wreck today. I've been really lonely or something lately. I just feel like my life goals and ambitions are crap. I worked for four hard years and I am not using a single bit of my education. That's aggravating when you sweat blood in a degree program only to not use it. I graduated cum lade with honors and I am writing planning and looking up stuff in an inventory system that makes dewey decimal look like a genius (he's the one that came up with the numbering system on books, FYI). Plus my friends are hard to get together (there's only about 4 of them), so we don't do a whole lot anymore. When it was warm, we were hitting the frisbee and golf course. Not so much now. Boo! I am ready to move out to somewhere awesome. I just need to get through the months. I could have fathered two kids and have one on the way in that amount of time. Here's a big no to that one. Ugh. I am random because a recent decision (a small, trivial decision) has gotten me stirred up. I will leave it up to you to figure it out. Whomever "you" is. There's not a whole lot of "you's" anymore. Oh well.


Kara Moore said...

I'm a you.


megan said...

i'm a you too i hope =) Blair, keep your head up! you're doing awesome, keep wanting more and looking forward, you can do awesome things where you are, don't waste you time waiting for what's 'next'
love you!

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