Wednesday, April 04, 2007


Maybe I'm the curse. I can not pick winning intramural teams. I've yet to win a game on a team. Ugh...but I'd still rather lose every single game than stack my team or exclude people who want to play. That's just too mean to me. I'd love to win every game, but not if I knew I didn't let certain people play who wanted to. Hm...

Oh yeah, we lost tonight, in case you didn't get that. I played pretty poorly, let a couple by and let a couple slip out. I just couldn't focus or something. I did well batting and had a couple of nice fielding moments.

This week's looking good. I had one test in comm yesterday and a test in LARC friday, but no worries. I can ace em both. I'm sure I aced the comm test. Oh yeah and I aced my MED test and did decent on my heat test. I'm super proud!

My parents want me to come home this weekend. I want them to come here. I think they might. The reason I don't go home, is well, I finally have a break this weekend and I want to be lazy. I suppose if I think along those lines, I'll soon be just like the entire human race eh? Well I really hope they come here and get a hotel and all that jazz. I love hotels!

Time for sleep.

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