Monday, August 13, 2007

Guess who lives across from the Hog House???

So I'm moved in and my parents rock!!! My mom was so awesome decorating my room. I still have lots of room on my walls, but now it's dark in there when it's light outside, the colors match and it's the most beautiful burnt orange EVER. I've got my burnt sienna room, my burnt orange sheets with the horns, and some nice black curtains. It's cool cause I can look out my window and see this house covered in hog gear. It's all over the yard and stuff. So when they're having some pity drinks, I'll be sipping my party mixes.
So I got the two couches in, the recliner, my bed, and my drawers. I'm really happy with how the house looks, but since it's not done yet I'm a bit worried about when it will be finished. Michael mentioned reimbursing us for the days we're not going to be in the house, I hope so.
I finally heard from Steven. That lil punk's been hiding out all summer and so I was glad to hear he was still alive. It's going to be an awesome time this year with Jordan and Steve. We're going to have some sweet parties, some sweet Saturday mornings in the garage and some gooooooood cooking.
Work's almost over. It's enjoyed it, but I should've managed my time a little better. I am about half-way done with this project and I feel horrible. I hope the guys can finish it off. It'd be a shame to see all my hard, quick work go to waste. Anywho, I'm going to go read and enjoy my last night here in the country Good riddance.
Oh one more thing. I spend 2 hours yesterday making this awesome slideshow, with music and all, for Vanessa. I really think she liked it and that made my day. Check out to make your own. ;)

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