Thursday, December 04, 2008

what a N-E-R-D

That's what my cousin said about my mentor at work. He's a nice guy, but such a dork. He cracks me up by his ability to laugh at his own jokes. That makes me laugh just thinking about it. While we're on the topic of work, I had my year-end review with my manager today. I got a "successful contributor" rating which apparently makes me eligible for a big(er) raise. I don't know what we're talking about but I am hoping for 100%. Wouldn't that be nice? "Blair, you work really hard and always dress so nice. I think we're going to double your salary. Would that be okay?" Dreaming is great. Speaking of dreaming, I am not going to get the extra that I was hoping for tomorrow. We're working the next two Fridays so we don't have to work the 22nd and 23rd. Woohoo! I get a full two weeks off, plus my week of vacation on the slopes. I am already counting down the days.

I am really down right now about work, though. It just makes me so mad to know I worked my tail off in such a hard major to come here and not use it. people keep telling me that is how life is, but I refuse to accept it. I've been thinking more and more about going back to grad school in Fayetteville in a year and half when/if Vanessa goes up there for pharm school. I just enrolled in a master's degree operations management program from the U of A, but it is mostly for the business side of my work. I think it'll be useful, but I really want that MSME. Any comments on my plan?

I love my church here. It is so much fun and the preacher is the coolest guy ever! We're talking about Christian finance and how to invest wisely. He took us on the web last night and showed us all these cool sites for investing. As soon as xmas is over, I might try to scrounge up some loose change and invest a little on my own. It's exciting! Also exciting is that fact that I am about to start working with the middle school here on the LEGO robotics competition. I was supposed to go get the kit tomorrow, but since I am working I don't know when I will get to go by. on a Friday. How lame?

Time for a shower and to read some more of the book the preacher gave me. It's called "How not to marry a jerk". It is really good so far, although most of it I have heard before when I was on the prepare-for-marriage-even-though-it's-far-away spell I was on last summer. I read some cool self-help marriage books in Joplin. I am a D-O-R-K, I know. Peace out.

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