I spent all last week in Lansdowne, VA hanging out with what Lockheed Martin deems some of the best talent in the company. I was there with operations, engineers, human resources, communications, and finance folks. It was a great time. We had big shot speakers, very informative classes and some great team building games. The days were super long, but I enjoyed being with all the crew so much. I finally got to meet the team I have in Dallas and now I am even more excited about getting out there.
All in all, the conference was a much needed boost. I feel much more motivated for work now and hope I can apply some of what I learned at work.
On Friday, after I dropped off the Dallas team, I drove in to DC to meet Aaron Schoolcraft, an old friend from college. He is doing great and looks the same as always. We laughed a ton and explored many of the sights there in town. While at the Vietnam memorial, we got hit with a thunderstorm and ended up getting soaked when it poured for about 45 minutes. We looked everywhere for a place to get some cover, but never could find any. We ended up ditching our plans and just got some to eat at Qudoba (which is where we used to eat in college). It was still a great time, even though we got soaked and missed many of the sights.
The church here is starting to break me down. I typically go to church for a chance to be rejuvenated, but lately I just haven't enjoyed it as much. We just can't seem to get any progressive movements going. It seems we keep covering the same material and the songs are never newer than 1950. It drags me down, big time. I'm going to keep sucking it up, but I really need to get out of here.
Until then, I'm going hardcore into remodeling this house. I have just a few things left to do inside and then I am going to start looking at the exterior. I hope I can make a little money off this place.
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