Monday, September 10, 2007

Stupid Alonso

Gaw...why can't my team win? It's Ferrari!!! C'mon guys. My racewatch went pretty well. I bought some pizzas and about 7 freshmen showed up. I figured as many, so I was glad I decided to go to Joe's instead of renting a HPER room. Raikkonen still has a chance to win, but it's not much anymore.
Last week lasted forever, but this week's looking better. Most of my freshmen showed up for the 1-on-1 meetings and we had some good talks. They're starting to open up a little more and tell me what needs to change in the program.
I've been really tired lately. I wonder if I'm not eating right or something. I've been eating just about every food group, but I could probably use a few more fruits and veggies. I'm just physically exhausted. I could barely stay awake in my first class. Ugh... Anywho I am going to read for just a bit and then crash...and burn. Have a great week.

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