Thursday, May 15, 2008

Goodbye Fayetteville, hello world!!

I walked on Saturday. Not just any walk, but one I have been practicing secretly for 4 years now. I graduated from the University of Arkansas. Not the University of Central Arkansas or Arkansas State University; THE University of Arkansas. It was pretty amazing. It's just so great to see all the hard work from the past five or six years finally pay off. I've got a great job with Lockheed down in Camden and I think it's going to be the most amazing work ever. V will be in Bryant, just right up the road so that is cool. Plus her apartment has free access to the local golf course!

Now it's on to packing the house up and cleaning the house up. I came back to Faytown on Wednesday and I spent all day with Aaron working on the car. I bought two new belts and neither one of them fit. The first belt was only available in Springdale so we ran up there and grabbed it. It went on easy after that. Then we realized the second belt was too short and ran to Autozone with about 3 minutes until close. When I say ran, I mean ran. Aaron nearly busted it coming out of his house running to the car. We got the belt and found out that the tensioner for the belt was not correct and at that point it was too late to do anything. So my car is running, thank goodness, but I don't have a belt for the AC. Who needs AC anywho? But later that evening, Aaron gave V and I some cool books (supercar) and a very nifty barware set. I can't wait to put it to use.

Today Aaron, V and I worked on packing up the house and cleaning. The bathroom is the most stubborn area of the house. The tub absolutely refuses to get clean. I threw the shower curtain in the washer and it came out looking nice, but the tile grout is just going to have to stay yellow. Oh well. I mopped and dusted and then called it a day by going to KOBE with V and Libby and Surya, her Indonesian friend. Fun times. I love sushi.

Now on to play with some oobleck and go to bed...without internet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Blair i just want you to know i'm proud of you and i hope you enjoy your first real job =) have fun in ukraine too!

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