Sunday, April 27, 2008


Houston, Magnolia, Tulsa, Irving, Little Rock, Camden and Nashville. What do these places have in common? Well I went to all of them for interviews. I must say that the Houston trip was the most fun, although Nashville wasn't half bad either. I did get rentals with the Houston and the Magnolia trips, so that was interesting. On Friday, I signed on with Lockheed in Camden. I will be working with the HIMARS group. It took some bargaining, but I made it through my four offers to finally get what I think I deserved. Although the salary isn't as high as hoped, the sign on bonus is big and the cost of living is small. I'm a little timid about Camden, but it's close enough to LR, that I think I will be okay. Plus the job will be sweet. I'm so glad I didn't sell out on the first big offer I got. Although I had lots of long nights and sweaty interviews, I finally got what I was working for.

Classes are coming to an end and I am excited for the summer. I'm going to Cancun for a week and Ukraine for three weeks. I'm pumped about both. I am a little worried about money, but hopefully it will come through for me. Back to classes, I think I did okay this semester. I will end up with a B in Russian History and probably a B in Flight, but oh well. I should get A's in everything else. I have worked my butt off in Russian Hist, but the teacher is super tough. Oh well, I learned a lot.

Iron man comes out on Friday and I will be at the midnight showing...and I am stoked!

Also, I have had the song "drama queen" by Family Force 5 in my head all day. You should check it out.

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