Sunday, April 20, 2008

Free at last, free at last...well almost

The honor's paper is almost done! I am so glad I have toughed this one out and get to graduate with honors. I've really enjoyed the research and I am learning a lot of interesting stuff. Just need to input a few more sources. CP is done as well. Basically all I have left to do is study for finals. The only one I am super worried about is Russian history. That class is amazing, but the teacher is impossible.

Speaking of amazing, this weekend was great. I went on the spring retreat with the RFCs and had such a great time. I got to hang out with Laura Bealle, Fawna, Hannah and Chelsea. Those were the main ones, I also got to hang with the rest, but those were the main ones. Fawna is such a wonderful girl, as are the rest of those mentioned. Although the A-frame floor was rough, it was nice being able to feel like a part of God's wonderful creation. I could type about my weekend forever, but I will spare you and just tell you one exciting story.
About 930 on Saturday night we heard some music start up across the river. It was really loud and bumping. Jedi decided we should canoe over and check it out. So we go in all covert and slide onto the bank. Within about 3 minutes some guys are walking our way. We start running for the woods and they start yelling at us. "What are you guys doing here?" We don't know what to say. "We were just seeing what was going on." "This isn't your land you can't be here" "We are on the other side of the fence" "That's not your land either" "We can leave if you want." "You guys better get out of here." "Okay". Well the only problem is that the guys came past our canoe, so we can't get back to the other side of the 50 degree river without going near the people again. So Jed and I slowly and quietly sneak back to our canoe and get off the shore. Well Jed isn't done. He wants to see what's going on and why they stopped the party and such. We decide to go upstream a little and check out the cabin. To make a long story short, we ended up not docking on that side of the river again and the party died down. we think it was a bunch of underage kids drinking, bc right after we left we could hear them throwing bottles into the back of a truck and they went further inland. It was super fun, and super cold.

I need to get back to studying German. I haven't studied enough for my oral exam tomorrow and I need to do well on it. The grader is super tough. Have a great week!

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