Sunday, November 30, 2008

Almost December

Wow I can not believe how fast time has gone by. I graduated half a year ago. In that time I went to Mexico and Ukraine, got security clearance, started work and bought a house. Man oh man! I can't believe it.

This past break was nice. My entire production crew left early Wednesday, so my lead let me leave early and I got home before dark. We had a big Thanksgiving dinner consisting of homemade rolls, shrimp and some other stuff I don't remember. Thursday we got up and changed out Cory's busted tail light and drove to LR. I rode with Cory and we had a nice chat. We had another Thanksgiving meal at my aunts and watched some good football on their 50+" TV. It was amazing. I played a few rounds of two-hand-touch and then we checked into a hotel, right as Cory left for Fayetteville to going skiing with his gf. I was jealous. I swam at their indoor pool and then went out for some good Waffle house burger and hashbrowns. Yummy! Friday morning my parents were up and out at 4:30 for shopping. they got some stellar deals and I got to sleep late. It was nice. We then drove to best buy and got some more stuff. DVDs for less than $5 is insane. And they were good DVDs.

My parents then took me to the stadium for the cold, rainy football game. And it was AWESOME!!! I wore my rainjacket, but still got cold and wet. It was well worth every second though. V and I stayed for the entire time, although she did retreat to the concession area during the halftime downpour. My voice is gone and I had so much fun with the local drunks at the game; we cheered super loud.

Saturday I just chilled around the house and watched all sorts of college football. We burned some brush, cleaned some stuff and then went to the Egleston's for one of the best meals ever; they had shrimp, mac-n-cheese, buffalo wings, potato wedges, rolls, white queso, crab dip, bbq brisket cream. Wowie! We then watched "I am Legend". They were quite scared at times and I enjoyed being prepared for most of the startling parts...most. Today I went to church and drove home. It was cold in the house, but not as bad as I thought it would be.

I just got done working out and now I am getting ready for a shower. This week will be good as we're working on a contract and I am heavily involved. Work is not too bad as long as I stay busy. When I am not busy and I have looked for stuff to do is when I really dislike work. I am going to start asking my lead for more stuff to do, so I can get back into the habit of working every available minute; I like that much more.

Three weeks until break and 35 days until I hit the slopes. I got my 5th day lift tickets today and now I am SUPER pumped. Need to get back to training. Have a great day!

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