Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Wow, what a weekend!

So this past weekend was AWESOME!!! To start off, I met with my mentor on Thursday and we got to tour the rocket facility. It was really neat and they actually do some serious engineering there; I think I might try to get transferred over. Then when I got home, V was waiting on me. We quickly packed all my stuff into her jeep and took off towards Dallas. Filled up for 1.94, which was pretty amazing and grabbed a bite to eat at Sonic (which now has the brownbag special again, woohoo!)

Friday morning we got up and headed to the stock yards, but not before Gege cooked us a great breakfast. It was gorgeous weather and we got to see the cowboys herd the longhorns down the road once we made it to Ft. Worth. While we were there, we decided to hit up the zoo. We had gone to the LR zoo two weeks before and had a great time, so we talked to the info booth and they hooked us up with some sweet deals and we headed south to the Ft. Worth zoo. On the way to the stockyards, I passed about ten buses and thought it was kind of strange for buses to be out at 11am. Turns out that they decided Friday was the perfect weather for the zoo as well. We admired the lions and tigers and apes while kids of all ages whistled and hooped and yelled and said "here kitty, kitty". It was fun. v and I took our pictures in one of those cool little photo booths, but they didn't turn out too great. oh well. We capped off a great day by knocking back a few Krystal burgers and headed back to McKinney.

Saturday was college football. My grandma is a HUGE sports fan and we enjoyed sitting around watching the games. V and I went to the $3.25 movies and saw the movie about the guys who get community service with two "different" kids. Can't remember the title, but the movie was super funny. We took Gege's car and dropped the top; it was gorgeous weather again. We decided to go to Buffalo Wild Wings for dinner that night and took Gege along. When we got there, LSU and 'bama were duking it out and people were going crazy for LSU to win and knock off an undefeated team. Didn't happen, but sure was fun to watch. We made it home just in time to see the *yawn* Texas Tech game.

Sunday we went to church and a ton of people my grandma had never met came and talked to us. I talked with an older man who was an Arkansas Alum. Cool guy. We had some disgusting Mexican food for dinner. Around 3:30 we headed back to Camden, but only after getting in some small shopping sprees. Nothing eventful happened on the way home. Went to work on Monday and got sick about three hours in and went back home. I probably would've toughed it out normally, but since V was there I went home. After taking a nap, I felt worse and decided to sleep late Tuesday. V left Tuesday morning and I headed into work. It was a long, slow day (most of the week has been) and I wished I were still sleeping.

That brings me to today. I just got back from El Dorado. I go every Wednesday and buy groceries, eat at Wendy's and go to Bible study. I really enjoy the church there and go every chance I get. The preacher and his wife teach the singles class on Wednesday and we're going over Christian finances. It is some cool stuff and I am learning tons.

Speaking of learning, I am about to start working on my master's degree. I plan on enrolling soon for a master's of operations management. It's a BS degree, but it'll look good on the resume and teach me some business practices. Hopefully I will finish it in about 18 months. Through online, video and live classes, I can crank out some hours.

Got a 360 a few weeks ago and still spend my small amount of free time on it. I have also started working out again and can tell my body needs it. Just like it needs sleep right now. Goodnight!

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