Friday, March 27, 2009

Everybody's working for the weekend

Man work has been wild lately. Some days I am totally busy for the entire 10+ hours I am there and other days I seriously scrape the bottom for stuff to do. Wednesday night I had dinner with the colonel and some big shots in the HIMARS program from Dallas and Huntsville. The meal was amazing!! The food was killer and I had a great time just shooting the bull with some big shots. On Thursday I got to sit in on a quarterly management review (QMR) that was really cool too. The whole thing almost convinced me that I really might enjoy this job.

I finally got to see V yesterday. It was the first time I had seen her in over three weeks, so I was pretty pumped. I caught myself going 10 or 15 over the speed limit on the way here. Today we went out to a cool little joint downtown to eat some sushi. It was quite stellar, but not worth dealing with going downtown. The weather was great, though, and walking around was fun. I hear the nice weather is gone for a little while. ugh.

I made spring break plans with V today. We are going to visit Vicksburg, Mississippi and hit up all the Civil war stuff there. I am pretty excited about the fact that it is only 4 hours from my house. I will probably go geocaching while I am there and we might even go to Jackson to drop off my Capital geocoin. Woohoo!

So the leg isn't really coming along as well as I had planned. It is still somewhat sloppy and has been driving me nuts here lately. It popped to the side a little bit yesterday at work. I don't know what the issue is.

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