Sunday, March 15, 2009

I don't ever want to grow up

I went to see my grandpa in Dallas this weekend. He is in the nursing home now and they feed him through tubes into his stomach. I had been told we wouldn't understand him and that he was in really bad shape. Well, he wasn't either of those. We understood him just fine and shared quite a few laughs with him. It's amazing how thin he is now that he doesn't eat anything. Being in the nursing home really make me think about my life. It really isn't fair. We learn so much, save money, make relationships and then bam-o we're stuck in an aging body clinging onto our lives. I made a commitment to myself to continue working out and making sure I am healthy. Just parking out a few extra spots from walmart or taking the stairs instead of the elevator can make a difference, but I do not want to just stop at that. But back to my grandpa; he kept talking about how most people hate being in the nursing home and how all the old people want to leave, but he was content. He said that God puts us where we can make a difference and that God has put him there to change lives. It's amazing to hear this coming from a guy with a feeding tube sitting in a wheelchair.

My grandpa reminded me to enjoy the little things. He couldn't eat or drink anything due to not being able to swallow and he said over and over how much he missed tasting things and chewing things (at which point he would chomp his dentures together). He was starting to swallow better, so we gave him some coca-cola. He LOVED it and shortly after started twitching in his legs. It was so funny. He would look at his legs and say "what do you suppose is causing them to do that?" We would laugh and tell him that not having a coke for a few weeks and then getting all that caffeine at once was doing it. He didn't care and he took some more sips of coke. To tell you the good spirits he was in, let me tell you about when we first came in with the coke. He just looked at it and licked his lips over and over and when dad finally asked him if he wanted some, my grandpa nearly jumped out of his chair with a "yes!" We gave him a real small amount in a cup and he took it, looked at it and said "awfully generous of you" with sarcasm in his voice. We told him that we wanted to make sure he could drink it okay, and he needed to drink it slowly. He downed it like an alcoholic downs a shot of something. He did that for a few more glasses and then we quit. He was sooooo funny, you can't even imagine it. He has a wise crack to every person he passes and he flirts with all the ladies.

Anywho, other than going to see my grandpa with my family this weekend, I have not been up to a whole lot. Last weekend a few of us went to LR and got a hotel to see Watchmen in IMAX. I liked it, but wish it didn't have all the crap that it did to keep the audience in it more. oh well. V joined us for dinner beforehand and the movie and then on Saturday for some mall time. It was a good weekend. BTW, there was a car show downtown on the river and that was SWEET! Super nice Corvettes and GTOs and such.

I just finished up my first homework assignment for my second class since starting this masters program. I need to start working on studying some for the GRE and my exemption tests. Woowee! I passed my last class only missing 2 points overall, so I think I am going to throttle back a little for this class. Spend a little more of my time doing what I want to do, which probably means I will still spend as much time on this as usual, just less time reading it. Eh, I will get through it.

No word on going back to Faytown fall 2010 for a MSME degree. I want to, but really it depends on V's plans. I hope it works out, I am already excited about that possibility.

Have a GREAT week!

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