Friday, February 27, 2009

I made it!!

I made it through surgery fine. It turns out that my ACL was stretched but not torn and so the doctor left it. He said that it was starting to tighten back up and I can tell. He did clean out some scar tissue and some torn meniscus. I actually got up and walked out of the office and it wasn't too bad, until the pain medicine in my knee wore off. Then it was not quite as much fun. I can walk and all, but I do have a bit of a limp. I am strengthening my knee through some workouts, and I can tell it is getting better. I am going to start therapy this week.

On the non-surgery side, I went geocaching again yesterday. I hit up three different caches. One was right near the Krispy Kreme, which made things interesting. Caches in Little Rock are tough because of all the people nearby, so I have to be extra careful. V is going home this weekend and I am staying around to meet up with the RFCs for Spring Retreat, so I am going to go caching again today once V leaves. There's apparently a huge park in the middle of Little Rock with a few caches that I am going to knock out. I hope to find another geocoin. What's a geocoin you ask? Well I will attach a picture. This one will be hard to let go of; it's a cool little German coin. I found it near the Game and Fish Commission. Their building is really cool; it looks brand new.

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