Sunday, February 15, 2009

Going last (hopefully) time

So I have a torn meniscus in the back of my knee and my ACL is critically weakened. The doctor is going in orthoscopically tomorrow to repair the meniscus and check the ACL with surgery on it if needed.

So this weekend I am enjoying the ability to walk and enjoying it with Vanessa. It is Valentine's day weekend and all. We didn't do anything real special, just investigated some sports store sales and made sushi and went to this trendy restaurant in West Little Rock. We got some killer stuff at the stores, including but not limited to: ski pants, ski goggles, and some thermals. We also managed to find some nice sandals for cheap.

So yeah, that pretty much sums up my life right now. I worked for the last two weeks and got quite a bit done, even though it was painful at times. Work went really well; I stayed really busy.

So this will be the last post for a little bit, until I can get back up and moving and find some firewall-free internet.

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