Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Big Day Tomorrow

So I go in for another xray tomorrow. If it looks good, the doc is going to let me start putting weight on it. This leg will be shocked to know that it will be getting the full weight, but rather a 15lbs less weight. Apparently all those days of not eating much has finally caught up to me. I am shooting for 175 or less when it's all over, but I figure once I start building leg mass again, that will change.

I'm worried about the news for a couple of reasons. 1) if it's not healing, I might have another surgery. That means more money and time gone for me. 2) If it is healed enough to walk, when should I try to go back to work. I feel horrible for missing so much, but I move around a lot and don't want to be at work with crutches and such. 3) I am worried that the doc is only looking at the bones and not other stuff. By other stuff I mean my muscles and tendons. A bone break does not cause your leg to pop sideways. Maybe it was just the trauma of it all. Regardless, I am a bit worried about it all. I am sure it will all be okay though.

Being back at my house reminds me of the real world. My heater is jacked up, my house gets cold easily and I can't figure out why. I think it is insulated well, but I don't know. Needless to say, once I recover financially from the hospital, I need to insulate my place better or do something.

*edit* I found out today that my ACL is possible torn. I go in for a MRI on Thursday and a doctor visit on the following Monday. If I do have a torn ACl, then I will be going under for an outpatient surgery. That'll put me out of work for another two weeks after the surgery. But, to counter this possibility, I am going in to work this week and next (hopefully). If I do need surgery, I am planning on putting it off for a week so I can get in more work time. We're starting a new project and I super pumped about working on it. I did a lot of prep work for it and I am hoping to see the fruits of my labor.

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