Wednesday, May 06, 2009

good golly

So we're working 4-12's now, which means I work 12.5 hours a day (Monday through Thursday) and then we're working 10 hours on Friday, Saturday and maybe Sunday. I won't lie that I am looking forward to the money, but we start work at 5am, which means I am in bed by 830 and up around 4. It's killing me. I can feel myself slowly slipping further and further behind. I want to study for my exemption test, I want to read my new car magazines, I really want to geocache and I want to sleep sleep sleep. Oh well, it'll all be good in the end. I am getting a ton of stuff done while at work. I've single-handedly written 60% of the work instructions for a new truck we're getting and I've been taking on some sweet projects. Not much time at work, which is a great thing.

I talked to a guy tonight about cars and it really made me want to go work on mine. I have some things I need to do, but need the tools and time to work on it. I suppose that time will come...eventually. Did I mention i am looking forward to the bank coming in from all this OT? Oh yeah, I can pay off my medical bills. Woohoo!

This new guy from up north is pushing me on the co-op group here in Camden. We're having fun planning trips and such and I look forward to working with the guy. His office is in admin building, so it's nice to finally have a legitimate in-man for the big leagues. Good times in corporate America!

Good night.

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