Saturday, May 23, 2009

A break...finally

I thought I was pretty busy in college, but let me tell ya what is on my right now. We're working extended hours at work (I worked 68 hours the week before last), I am taking two classes online right now (one of which is an intro class full of busy work), I am studying for one exemption test that has to be taken within the next seven weeks, I need to start studying for the GRE, I am teaching a class at chuch and I need to continue remodeling my house. Most every weekend I have stuff planned for the rest of the summer, so that's good but I have got to really step up my game. I am studying for my Bible class right now while waiting on my blackboard classes to get back online.

My grandpa, Big Pop, died two weeks ago Sunday. I was in Dallas all week for that stuff. It was a nice break, but I didn't get anything done. I did get some good time with my grandma, who is really struggling with the fact that she's getting older.

Life is good though. I am going to Riverfest this afternoon with V and her sister. It's been forever since I have seen her and I get to spend next weekend with her too going to Fayetteville for Robert's wedding. Woohoo! We need some time together, especially since she's not stressed out with pharm school.

Just keeping you updated. That's pretty much all going on in my life.

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