Thursday, June 11, 2009

busy busy busy

I am so ridiculously busy. Right now I am listening to my online class and doing this. I mainly post today to keep my blog updated.

Last weekend I went to Lake Ouachita with Bubba and his son to a geocaching event. We had a lot of fun, but didn't get nearly as many caches as I would have liked. We knocked out around 50 and met a ton of nice cachers. Left the house at 5am and got back around 1230 on Sunday morning. I wanted to sleep in, but I got elected to the communion on Sunday morning at college avenue. I showed up late to find out that the single's class is no more on Mondays. Weak sauce. This church is weird like that; it cancels the single's class on and off and that really bothers me. There are at least four members of the group that are there regularly, so there is a small need.

All this week was green belt training. Most of the training is old stuff I've heard before, but we did cover some neat new stuff. I enjoyed the break from the same ol' work but it was tough sitting through some of the teachers. I got to hang out with some cool young engineers and a lady from Dallas. She was super smart and I enjoyed speaking with her. Unfortunately, the class last until after 5 every day and my ME lead wanted me to come in at 6 every day too. That made for some looooonnnnnggggg days. Monday night Bubba and his family invited me out to eat some Chinese buffet. I should not have gone, since I was so busy, but I did and enjoyed myself. It was their anniversary and I was glad to see some marriages making it.

I am trying to get ahead in all my classes because I think I might get to go out to White Sands to work on some planning for a few days. I need to go, but mainly I just want to go. I think it will be helpful, but I am not sure how much it will help. I suppose I will see.

Classes are going okay. I have got to get far enough ahead in them to have time to study for my exemption test in Industrial Cost Analysis. Next semester I will only be taking one class, unless two just really stand out to me. After that, I will start looking for two classes to take each semester; I want to get out of this program....ugh.

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