Sunday, June 14, 2009

Caught up

I am finally caught up in my classes!!! I am actually ahead. I only need to watch about 15 hours of videos and answer three more questions in my intro class and I will be finished until the final (with the exception of some self-tests and discussions). In my finance class, I just finished homework that is due next Tuesday and I am halfway done with homework due in two weeks. Just one homework left in there. Woohoo!!! I did a ton today once I got home including running for half an hour, mowing the yard, washing clothes and washing dishes. Good times being productive. I hope to finish up my class work tomorrow.

Vanessa and I can't deal with being apart for more than two weeks. After that time, we just argue a lot. When we're back together, it's all good. I found out last week that there's no chance of her going to school in Fayetteville. I had banked on that as being my "out" from here. I was going to go back to school and get a higher degree in Mechanical Engineering. Now I am not sure what I am going to do. She has to be in Little Rock at least two more years and then she has to stay in the state. I have thought about in two years going back to school in Fayetteville and then she can do her rotations up there for a year. I just don't know. I looked at the University of Texas at Arlington and they have an aerospace engineering master's nd ph.d program. That's appealing because Lockheed is there too (their Aero group is there).

Right now I am just not sure what God has in store for me. It's frustrating here because it seems like the social atmosphere is lacking (mostly because it is). I don't feel like a professional when I go to work, I don't feel like I am making an impact or doing anything really worthwhile. I am working my way into a manufacturing rut and I don't want to stay in that field. I want the ability to open my mind and be creative.

Enough of that. Geocaching is getting rough. It's been super hot here, so I am miserable out there caching. Plus there are some not nice things out there to sting me, bite me and irritate my skin. Ugh...looks like it's back to the 360. I haven't turned on my TV in something like three weeks.

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