Wednesday, July 01, 2009

In love with life

I'm not going to lie, I'm on a high right now. My a/c is being replaced and the guy working on it had one of his men go (almost) to the hospital due to heat stroke. I am not out some serious $$$ for the new system, but should save some of that back in utilities. I'm just glad I won't have to beat on my heater to get it to shut off. I'm off work tomorrow, which is great!!! I am going caching early in the morning and then traveling to see my girl and her family. Fun times are bound to happen.

Tonight at church, the class I am teaching got really good. We are discussing absolute truth and the lack thereof in the world. It's enlightening to see things clicking in people's minds. GREAT!!! I love it although I wish I knew more scripture and such. I have some great friends at church who go out to eat with me after class almost every Wednesday and that's been a blessing. Chuck is living in my spare bedroom now, so the extra income is a nice addition, although I will see a slight rise in utilities. As bad as it sounds, it's nice to have someone else struggle to get up in the morning and get going. We're pretty much silent on the way to work.

Life is a blessing. I feel honored to get to experience the things I get to experience. I went to the doctor on Monday to look at my knee and he told me to quit running and ice it more often. He also gave me a huge shot that hurt a lot. I then had dinner with Patrick at McDs and grabbed some geocaches. Good times!!!

Work is getting better. It has ups and downs, but I enjoy it somewhat. I am going to New Mexico in a week to look at some new work we're doing and I will be there for a week and a half. Then I am going to Boston in September for some training. Travel is here, woohoo!!!

Classes are almost wrapped up. Need to take both finals and study for my exemption test. Should be pretty simple; it's an accounting test and I have had two finance classes already. Easy, breezy.

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