Wednesday, October 28, 2009

One man show

This week has been wild! I came in late on Monday at 9:15 and it was great! I drove in from Little Rock and it was a nice drive. The sun wasn't shining, but it was light outside and I felt pretty decent compared with Sunday (I was sick again). Since then I have been crazy busy. Work is 90 miles per hour with my new project up and running and a ton of stuff to do. I will probably stay late tomorrow and I am working Friday for the first time in a while. As soon as I get off work on Friday, I am driving to Bryant again to go with the girl to Cord, Arkansas.

I don't normally write in unless I haven't done so in a while or I have some thoughts that have been plaguing me. As you can guess, it's the latter today. Work went really well today. I have more stuff to do than I could get done in a month and I am pretty well in charge of some projects. They're pretty boring stuff on the whole, but a bit of a challenge. At one point today, I caught myself thinking "I kinda like this stuff". I am not sure where that thought came from, but I got me convinced that I want to put off school until next Spring (2011). Therein lies my problem. I can't decide what I want to do. Work is tough and most of it I dislike, but then there are days like today that I enjoy pretty well. Like I told someone the other day, I like my job, I just hate all the other stuff with it. And I still believe that to some extent. I make good money and some of the stuff I do, I enjoy. There are just a lot of things I don't care for.

So the question I pose to you and to myself is this: Should I start school this fall (2010) or wait until the Spring of 2011 or keep doing these online classes until I get a degree and then decide? Financially, it would benefit me to work as long as possible. The longer I work, the more money I can save up and the more classes work will pay for. I get more experience and I pay off more of my house. Emotionally, I think going somewhere else would be better. Driving to work at 5:40 every morning kills me and taking a two lane road into work everyday annoys the fire out of me. Camden is Camden (there's a reason I go out of town every weekend). I'm just afraid of never being happy. I pray about it and I think God put me here to know I need to appreciate what I have, but I wonder if that has to happen once I leave. I am happy to have a job, but feel there is more out there than this.

Ugh, as you can tell, I am very confused. If God has a plan for me, He's being very clever about how he presents it.

Time to drive 40 minutes to church to teach my class to two people.

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