Friday, November 06, 2009

Sleepless nights

This week has been wild. I was told Monday that we would be going to 12 hour days and probably working all weekend. So far, it's been true. I worked 10 hours today and I am supposed to be up five hours to work 10 more hours. Fun times! I am super busy at work with a new project that I am sorta heading up. The work is a challenge at times, but mostly mundane.

Took my first test in my OMGT class tonight. Wasn't too bad really, only took me about an hour or so to finish up. On to the next one...

Well I just wanted to post to try to convince my mind to go to sleep. My body has been real weird this week; I feel like my stomach is always empty and stuff and my metabolism has been going high lately. Right now my mind is racing, but my eyes and body are tired. I need a good solid 10 hours of sleep right nice.

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