Saturday, July 16, 2011

Stir Crazy

This might be my most negative post to date, so prepare yourself.

I'm going stir crazy. This is probably the first weekend I have had absolutely nothing to do. Last weekend I went to LR on Friday, had a cook out on Saturday and then went stir crazy on Sunday (so I went mountainbiking when it was 103 outside). I started this weekend by biking on Friday morning (45 minute drive). I had a great time hanging out with a good Christian friend of mine and then grabbed some lunch with some of his church buddies. It was a lot of fun. Last night, I drove to Eldo (45 minutes or so) and met up with some geocaching buddies to discuss an event we are doing in August. I went to Burger King and their a/c was broken, they were out of ice and their drink machine was missing half of the flavors. That started my downward spiral. I then went out geocaching with a friend and decided it was too hot and humid so we went to the downtown square to hit up the night life. We checked out this quaint little bar and then realized that everyone in Eldo leaves town on the weekends. The bar was empty and other two bars were mostly dead too...on a Friday night! Lame.

I have been sitting in my lazy boy recliner all day. I've been rotating between finishing recorded tv shows, reading my Christian dating book (which really depresses me) and playing xbox. I folded clothes, iron clothes, cooked lunch, balanced my checkbook, wrote a letter in Russian, clean my room up, arranged my work station and walked to the post office. I just can't sit around. I go crazy. I had these same problems when I lived at my parents' house. I just like to go. I enjoy going to new places, old places, whatever. I want to socialize.

Next weekend I will be heading to Heber Springs, so that will be interesting. I haven't been there in many years and I look forward to finding caches. I will have to bring a couple of sets of clothes since it's so humid here, but oh well. That's the price I pay for being active. Speaking of, I'm down to 181 as of this morning. I still eat about the same stuff, just less of it. I also cut out sodas completely and I do pushups and run almost every day. I love the way I feel after running in the mornings, but it really depresses me when I run here. There aren't many sidewalks and I almost always get chased by dogs.

Anywho, enough moping around. I'm going to watch "Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs" and see if that will motivate my a little. =)

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