Sunday, June 26, 2011

The night is darkest just before the dawn

Geez it's 178 days until I am finished here and I sure hope, pray, beg that Dallas is better than here. I just got done biking, on the road, and almost got hit three or four times. I drive an hour, one way, to get to church on Sundays only to hang out with mostly college kids at a super conservative church. I'm trying so hard to stay positive and see the positive stuff here, but man it's tough. I guess I am lucky to not have traffic to fight, relatively low utilities (I think) and um...lots of trees. Plus I can go shoot for free down the road at a public range (it's an hour away). I am employed at a great company and a relatively good job.

I guess I just want to enjoy somewhere with more opportunities to do stuff. Anything from Habitat for Humanity builds to learning how to cook sushi on dates to watching the Rangers play baseball. I just would like more options instead of hunting or fishing or swimming in a brown river. I love my church family here; the college kids keep me young and give me a great chance to share advice from my college years.

I really have no room to complain; I am extremely blessed, even beyond what I could ever deserve. I have wonderful friends here and have done some cool stuff (Vicksburg, Disney World, White Sands, etc). In the end, I am blessed by God and I need to find ways to use my talents here in south Arkansas for just a little longer.

Like the preacher said today, "If you are ever out walking around thinking your life is bad, just visit the nursing home and see how it is to have machines keeping you alive."

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