Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Almost there!!!

I have four weeks of working here left! The last two weeks of the year (next two weeks) they are forcing us to either work early (5am) or use vacation. They just love driving the nail into the coffin for me. I can't believe the junk here. I really hope that Dallas is better. I'm worried that work won't be, but I know that the town will be better. It is worth the trade.

I have my kitchen and bedroom left to pack and then I am done! I'm almost to the point I am just throwing stuff in a box. It's funny how we have those little nooks where we store junk. I'm going through and throwing out a lot. I have so much left to do here, I feel. Some guys are working on the yard this week, so I will put it on the market to sell next week. I'm super pumped about that.

My UTA class is almost over. I have one homework assignment due tomorrow at noon and then the final. I hope to get at least a B. My application to Georgia Tech was rejected due to no background in Aerospace Engineering. Ugh...I was really banking on that coming through for me. I can't do two more live classes that I skip at UTA. It's killing me. I'm not sure my next move; I just can't believe I didn't get accepted.

Great way to end a piss poor day.

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