Sunday, October 07, 2007

30ft down, looking up through glass

The first day of open water diving went well. I scrambled a few times for my regulator and took some nice shots of water in my eyes, but overall it was quite fun. We passed a ton of Corvettes and some Ferraris on the way to the lake. When we showed up to the lake, there were a ton of 'vettes at the lake. After diving, we followed the Corvettes to Eureka Springs and took a ton of pictures. I hung out the window and sunroof a few times and took some cool pictures. It was absolutely amazing! I was smiling the whole time and saw some super sweet cars. On the way back home, V saw the Ferraris on an underpass and I quickly snapped some pictures. Of the three shots I got, only one had them in it. Then while I was reviewing those pictures, an Ariel Atom drove by. Ugh...I couldn't believe I missed both of them in such a short amount of time.

I feel bad when I don't do homework or study. I know during the week I will be soooo busy, but there's really no way to get ahead during the weekend. Once I'm caught up, there's not much else to do. I've been slowly working on a presentation for next Thursday, but I finished most everything else that's due this week (that I can do). I think therein lies the problem: I can't do the stuff for TSAD or Aprop. I know there will be a test in the latter sometime this week, but I don't have the slightest idea what to do to get ready for it.

I'm tired, as always and my ankle is gimped. I can walk on it fine, but my lateral motion is shot. Not sure if I'll be taking part in OMG's second victory.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

too bad about that victory. agh.


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