Tuesday, October 02, 2007

October, October

It's finally that time of the year. Things are getting hectic and although I'm super busy, I love it. The weather's just right, Halloween is coming and football season is in full swing. I want to hit someone. Just line up and knock some people down. Oh the days of suiting up.

We won an intramural game on Sunday. I was super pumped, but a bit apprehensive about the next team. We've got a lot to work on, but a win is a great moral booster. I was a bit upset about some things going on with the team earlier, but I don't care as much now that we pulled off a win. As long as the said upset doesn't interfere with my playing, I don't care.

I feel like cussing. Things have put me into this foul mood almost continuously. There are only a few things left that really make me smile. I'll save those for a rainy day. I will mention one of those things and that is the Bible study. It's so great to hear people putting their ideas out there for everyone. We've got Catholic, Methodist, Baptist and other and it's so impressive to see us all getting along. Last week was a great improvement over the previous week and I hope this week is even better.

Bikes, Blues and BBQ is this weekend. Reminds me of old times. I am taking a MASSIVE group of freshmen down there this semester, so it should be fun times for all. We'll see you there...if we want to.

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