Monday, July 07, 2008


So it's not too bad here. I've decided that it really doesn't matter where you live, it's what you make it. I am living with some people I am distantly related to and I enjoy their company. Tomorrow I'm looking at some more apartments that are only about 5 minutes from my cubicle and about 10 mins from Camden. It's really cheap and hopefully will be a good place to chill until my house plans finish up.
Work started off horrible. I did tons of boring computer training and nothing was unlocked for me to access. Today things went berserk. My boss is overworked and so I'm helping him do all sorts of stuff. Today I did some work with a few IEs and then got my hands dirty with taking apart some drills. It was fun but I ended up staying late and after checking out some more houses, I didn't get home until 630 or so. After running and showing, I'm where I am now. Woohoo. I'm so happy I get off work on Fridays.
Okay so my fourth story is quite interesting. We shot all sorts of bottlerocks and smoke bombs and ect. all day. I would bundle up about 20-40 bottlerockets and then shoot them. That was fun, as was throwing them into the crowd of people at my house. The best part of the entire holiday (short of being with my family and girlfriend) was lighting an artillery shell and then running for my life. I don't know why I didn't realize what it was when I lit it and then seconds later I am running and people are screaming. It was GREAT! We laughed and laughed.
That's really it for now. My feet hurt and so I'm going to bed.

Oh one more thing...I get paid Friday and I've already seen my paycheck and baby I am EXCITED!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Way to scare the living daylight out of people, geez!! I have to say though, it was kinda funny. Hope work gets better for you.


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