Saturday, August 16, 2008

The workin' man

I tell ya, between working 10 hours a day and fixing up the house, I am super busy. I have only done a few small things to the house and it already looks a lot better. I spent another couple hundred this week to get some more stuff for furniture and general repairs. It's kinda cool being in my own place because I can paint how I want, carpet how I want and fix stuff that's broken and it actually helps me out. Plus it's nice putting money forward on something that's mine; I'm not throwing it down the drain. I still have a long ways to go to getting it where it's home sweet home, but it's definitely growing on me. The biggest issue is going to be working on the bathroom. Replacing the floor boards and redoing the tile is going to be a nice all day event. Mom and Dad and the Eglestons are coming down on Labor Day weekend and so we'll knock out some serious work then.

Work's been good. I worked Friday and Saturday this week, which is overtime pay. It's picking up quite a bit, but I still have to find things to do from time to time. I am really enjoying spending time with the production crew. They're a cool bunch of guys with all sorts of personalities. I am sad because all my cool co-ops left. Chuck and Megan were from Texas Tech and Marty was from Wisconsin. We enjoyed a good weekend in Fayetteville and plenty of good times in Camden. Their last night we went to the Sand Bar and had some good food. I got crab legs and some Texas toothpicks. Both were amazingly good.

Peace out!

1 comment:

megan said...

Blair I like reading about you doing all of these things, I hope you are happy and enjoying your life! It was good to see you the other day =)

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