Wednesday, January 13, 2010

He cares for the birds of the field

It doesn't happen often, but I am kinda worried. I got a medical bill today for 35k. That was just the hospital bill and it was before the insurance picked it up, but I am still worried about how much I will have to pay. Plus my car is acting really funny lately and I am wanting to take V to Disney world for spring break and I am planning on going back to school this fall. God has provided in the past and I am sure he will take care of me now. I am sure I will come through all this okay. I have been saving my money as much as possible, so that cushion will keep me safe...let's hope.

My leg is doing better. I spent last week with V and did a lot of therapy on my own, so that helped. Yesterday I got to 88 degrees of movement and I suspect (fingers crossed) that I will get past 90 degrees tomorrow. I am soooo sore afterwards, but it is a good workout and I am paying for that. Good times. I can walk with the brace unlocked some but still can't bend it much when walking. It feels unstable when I put much weight on it while bent. I am sure it will get stronger.

Let me tell you about the biggest disappointment in life lately. I drove the car yesterday for the first time in a month. It started fine, drove to the therapist fine and then I went to sonic. At sonic it wouldn't start up again. No clicking, no trying, just dead. I tried and tried with no avail. Dad came by and jumped me off and that worked fine. On the drive home, every time I turned the headlights on, the car stalled out. I did it when I got home and the car went completely dead. Totally, completely, no lights, no buzzer, no nothing. I am worried it is my alternator, but hopefully it is just my battery. That's a quick, easy and relatively cheap fix. We'll see tomorrow. Needless to say, I am worried. I have the money for the alternator, but not the time or tools.

So yeah...I'm kinda freaking a little. It'll be alright though. I am loved. And on a positive note, one thing I am not worried about is my relationship with Vanessa. We had a good week of knockdown dragout arguments and some very in depth discussions and I think we are heading in the right direction. We prayed a lot and I feel much more confident than I did before I spent the week with her.

BTW, if you are considering the Pharaoh exhibit in Little Rock, don't waste your time. It was kinda neat, but only had three mummies and that's counting one kitten.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you can get your battery checked at most autoparts stores. I don't think it is your battery, it is probably your alternator. Once your car is started the alternator supplies most of your electricity, especially at road speeds. At idle your battery may supplement your alternator, to give extra current for a/c, radio, lights etc. - but when at road speed it is your alternator that is doing the work.

Probably your alternator, they can also be tested by autoparts store. They are not too difficult to change - depends on the car- on some it is 15 minutes, on others 2 hours.

Regarding your soreness after PT, try cannabis, marijuana is very good for muscle pain and is not addicting like opiod pain killers, it is legal for medical use in 15 states, perhaps yours is one. If not I'd break the law, what is the point of a law that makes the innocent suffer?

Good luck with your car and your life, I was just blog surfing and thought I'd help you debug your auto problems

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