Thursday, March 10, 2011


I have been in such a dull mood for the past couple of days. It cycles up and down, but mostly I've been down. I really don't know why, but I am trying to combat it with exercise and eating healthier and such. Actually I'm doing those things so I can sport my sexy hott speedo on my trip to Chicago (there's an indoor heated pool).

I really like my new job. Yeah, I still deal with the same old local junk, but the job keeps me really busy and I enjoy that. Today, the guy that trained me was gone, so I ran basically the entire line. It was super fast paced and I did great in it.

Anywho, I just felt like venting on here about being in a foul mood would help. Didn't do as much as I liked, but I do feel a little better. Time to clean the house and go exercise before going to bed. I work at 5am tomorrow morning. Guess who is excited? :) Life is still good.

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