Well I got 5 secrets in my box today. One of which was something worth posting, although I ended up posting more. I can not believe people these days. I got one which said "I once donkey punched a sperm whale" and another said "boys have a penis, girls have a vagina". Seriously people, what are we 15 or something. I swear these days people are so stupid. I like to have fun just like every other person out there, but somethings are just so childish. I posted a flier for the stopping of quiet hours this Sunday for the Super Bowl. On the flier is a spot to write your name and for or against. It's been up since Monday and there are, tops, five signatures. SERIOUSLY PEOPLE! What is wrong with you? Is it too much to not get out a pen, write your name and then mark for or against. It took me longer to type those directions than it did for me to sign the sheet. I suppose if you're not going to be here, then don't sign, but this is still your dorm, you have an ability to decide. What can I say? I don't vote. I don't vote because I'm not well informed enough to know what to put. Maybe that's the problem here, people just don't know about this Super Bowl stuff and so they're not voting.
While I'm talking about the stupidity/laziness of people let's talk about the laundry room. Actually you know what? I'm a happy guy and pretty light hearted, so we won't talk about anymore nastiness today. Instead I will talk about how warm it is now that it's snowing! Yeah that's right! It is snowing here and it's wonderful. Right now there's just a light coating, but it'll grow, you watch.
I sat in my ME class today and kept smelling this kinda nasty, musty smell. It drove me nuts until I got out of there. Well I was sitting in another class and I smelled it again. I think it was me. I'm not sure; I shower and stuff all the time, but it has been a while since I washed my hat and jeans.
I'm super pumped about Bible Study tonight. We actually seem to be staying on track a little better this semester and we've got a much bigger group now. I hope we can finish Galatians and have some wonderful discussions about it. Fun stuff.
That's all for now. Thanks to Kara's blog for helping me realize the importance of paragraphs and breaks and such. Makes things much easier to read. I hope that if you can post a secret, you'll make an effort to swing by Gregson 2nd floor to post one. I've gotten two good ones so far.
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Missing something
i don't know what it is, but here lately I've been feeling like something is missing. Not missing so much as there is something I really want to do and I can't find what it is. I've got class in 8 minutes and I feel like there is something I'm supposed to do or something I really want to do. I don't know what it is. It's driving me up a wall. The post secret project in the hallway has a few cards, but I can't tell if they're any good. Probably just someone putting some random comment into the box. I have noticed about half of my notecards gone, so maybe some one is doing something. Or maybe someone just wanted some free note cards. People these days.
Comm class last night was really fun. I laughed a lot because I see most of the gender things we talked about happening all the time. I kept thinking of how most of my girlfriends are more towards the masculine side of communications, but how I can see different aspects of the woman's side in each of them. It also explained a lot about various girls I've dated. It's kinda sad the lack of confidence women tend to have. There are quite a few out there who seem to be figuring it out though. Well I have five minutes to get to class, so I better go. I can barely keep my eyes open typing this, let alone listening to a lecture for 1.5 hours. FUN!
Besides the not knowing what I want, I'm feeling pretty good today. It's sunny and freezing, but it's sunny and that's more than I get most days. I almost typed that I wish I was on a snowboard in Colorado, but I think people need to be satisfied with where they are. I guess I can't talk though.
Comm class last night was really fun. I laughed a lot because I see most of the gender things we talked about happening all the time. I kept thinking of how most of my girlfriends are more towards the masculine side of communications, but how I can see different aspects of the woman's side in each of them. It also explained a lot about various girls I've dated. It's kinda sad the lack of confidence women tend to have. There are quite a few out there who seem to be figuring it out though. Well I have five minutes to get to class, so I better go. I can barely keep my eyes open typing this, let alone listening to a lecture for 1.5 hours. FUN!
Besides the not knowing what I want, I'm feeling pretty good today. It's sunny and freezing, but it's sunny and that's more than I get most days. I almost typed that I wish I was on a snowboard in Colorado, but I think people need to be satisfied with where they are. I guess I can't talk though.
Sunday, January 28, 2007
In the words of Kara...blah
So today started so good. I jumped the wall into my car, without ripping my super tight suit pants. I then picked up Steven, who was ready and waiting, another plus. Next we drove to Daylight Donuts, donuts are my weakness you see. I bought a dozen donut holes and all they had otherwise were some glazed donuts. So I asked if I could get some choco covered ones. The nice lady said she could make me some by dipping my glazed ones. She did that and I even got two with sprinkles. Things were going great. I showed up late to church and since I was 3 minutes late, there were no seats left with the RFCs. There never are unless you get there like 10 minutes before church. So I sat with this nice elderly couple. They were really nice and I felt bad because I can not remember their names. I even repeated it like 5 times and still no. Well church went okay, but after about 15 minutes I quit wanting to be there. I don't know why exactly, but I just don't care about going much anymore. I see most of the people I want to see out of church, so why should I go? The only people I know at that church are at Tuesday night devotional. Why do I go to church? Oh yeah, to hear a lesson. To hear someone else's interpretation of the Bible or an interpretation at all outside of Scott's.
I don't know why this stuff bothers me still. I honestly don't care that much, but then it's obvious I do care somewhat. So now my attitude is ruined for the day. And you know what is the worst? I don't care! I don't care if I piss off some people today or hurt some feelings today or tell people just how stupid they are. I cut off people driving today, I thought mean thoughts about some people in Harps and I don't care. Maybe this is the real Blair. Maybe deep down inside I'm not nice, I'm not generous, I'm surely not confident, I couldn't be polite, chivalry is dead, maybe I might just be imperfect. Or maybe I have shots of good in me, just shots. They're quick and last a little bit, but at the end of the night I've just got a head ache and a killer hangover. I don't know. I know that people not capable of being leaders or getting out and knowing people should not go on overseas mission trips. I know that doctors shouldn't get paid until I'm healthy again. I mean if I were to work someday and tell my boss to "try" this and see what happens, then I'd be fired when 100 people die. I would not pass go I would not collect 200 bucks. But I can go into a doctor, be told to try something, pay him and then go back in later to try something else and pay him again. Man that's the life.
I think I'm going to make out with some hott college babes over Spring Break. I think I might just whore it up for a bit. See what happens. Why not? I mean everyone else is doing it, why not me. I mean we use that game plan all the time. What's so wrong with doing what everyone else is doing. We all seem to do that in church.
You know what? This blog post probably doesn't make a bit of sense and I probably don't have any claims to anything I wrote. I don't care. I write the first things that come to mind. Hey guy who wants to move into an apartment by yourself because of other people doing things to bother you, this next little bit is for you: if you live your life just letting people do things you don't like then you're going to live a long, lame life. If, on the other hand, you can take note of those things they do and make sure you're not doing them to others and then, with oh so much love, tell that person what you don't like, you might just enjoy things. Live a little bit. People are out there who love you and care about you and although they might eat your special foods or drink your special drinks, don't let it eat you alive. I can tell you all about that and it's not fun at all. Let love in.
I'm sorry for hating you right now. I hate you so much because I love you still even when I know I shouldn't. I have so many reasons to love you and I can't seem to find the strength to admit that love is more than what I thought it was. Love is friendship, love is romance, love is sacrifice. Sacrifice like continuing to put your heart out there no matter how much it hurts. Like continuing to hold on despite the horrible things. I love you and I love you and I especially love you. I don't quite love you yet, but I'm learning. I don't hate you like you think I do. Thanks for reading, thanks for stopping by and thanks for laughing at my inability to tell you I'm going somewhere without giving away where exactly I'm going. I'm smiling now, thanks for that too.
Hey Seabass, you looked stunning today.
I don't know why this stuff bothers me still. I honestly don't care that much, but then it's obvious I do care somewhat. So now my attitude is ruined for the day. And you know what is the worst? I don't care! I don't care if I piss off some people today or hurt some feelings today or tell people just how stupid they are. I cut off people driving today, I thought mean thoughts about some people in Harps and I don't care. Maybe this is the real Blair. Maybe deep down inside I'm not nice, I'm not generous, I'm surely not confident, I couldn't be polite, chivalry is dead, maybe I might just be imperfect. Or maybe I have shots of good in me, just shots. They're quick and last a little bit, but at the end of the night I've just got a head ache and a killer hangover. I don't know. I know that people not capable of being leaders or getting out and knowing people should not go on overseas mission trips. I know that doctors shouldn't get paid until I'm healthy again. I mean if I were to work someday and tell my boss to "try" this and see what happens, then I'd be fired when 100 people die. I would not pass go I would not collect 200 bucks. But I can go into a doctor, be told to try something, pay him and then go back in later to try something else and pay him again. Man that's the life.
I think I'm going to make out with some hott college babes over Spring Break. I think I might just whore it up for a bit. See what happens. Why not? I mean everyone else is doing it, why not me. I mean we use that game plan all the time. What's so wrong with doing what everyone else is doing. We all seem to do that in church.
You know what? This blog post probably doesn't make a bit of sense and I probably don't have any claims to anything I wrote. I don't care. I write the first things that come to mind. Hey guy who wants to move into an apartment by yourself because of other people doing things to bother you, this next little bit is for you: if you live your life just letting people do things you don't like then you're going to live a long, lame life. If, on the other hand, you can take note of those things they do and make sure you're not doing them to others and then, with oh so much love, tell that person what you don't like, you might just enjoy things. Live a little bit. People are out there who love you and care about you and although they might eat your special foods or drink your special drinks, don't let it eat you alive. I can tell you all about that and it's not fun at all. Let love in.
I'm sorry for hating you right now. I hate you so much because I love you still even when I know I shouldn't. I have so many reasons to love you and I can't seem to find the strength to admit that love is more than what I thought it was. Love is friendship, love is romance, love is sacrifice. Sacrifice like continuing to put your heart out there no matter how much it hurts. Like continuing to hold on despite the horrible things. I love you and I love you and I especially love you. I don't quite love you yet, but I'm learning. I don't hate you like you think I do. Thanks for reading, thanks for stopping by and thanks for laughing at my inability to tell you I'm going somewhere without giving away where exactly I'm going. I'm smiling now, thanks for that too.
Hey Seabass, you looked stunning today.
Friday, January 26, 2007
Google Earth
So now that I've got this massive processor of a computer, I decided it was time to get google earth. I've now had it for about 47 minutes and I just keep looking at the square of my house. It's kinda odd how little detail they have for 92 Eagle Rest. I mean I've got a pool visible from most satellite images and yet google earth only has my ponds. Maybe I'm supposed to pay some more money and get the better one, complete with images of small towns. Or maybe there's a small town add-on I need. Hm....
So Kara, being the wonderfully wacky and yet always knows what to say when she needs to say it and yet still manages to annoy me sometimes, brought me some food and drink tonight at the desk. I missed her, we didn't get to talk much at the lunch table and then I've been non stop all day. I went to class and then to a money seminar and then to lunch and then to my career coach and then to study and then to the lab to cut a wing and get let down when my plane wouldn't start and then back here to play PS2 and then to work and now I'm back. I've not gotten much done, despite the studying and desk shift. I need to become more productive I think. Or maybe not, I'm still sane and passing my classes.
Man I got on google earth and saw the awesome race track in Germany, the Nürburgring and I can't wait to get loaded, filthy, nauseatingly sick and take a wicked awesome car over there and burn the tires out from under it. It's going to be some craziness. Anywho, it even looks cool from space or near earth orbits or whatever. I could take it though. Oh man, I should check out the tracks in Italy. I've got to find that magazine with the coordinates. Hm....yummy. Well I think I should at least try to sleep now. Try being the key word.
I read in my communications book that the more you know someone the closer you sit to that person. It's a 4000 level class and I'm reading about that. Man oh man, this is going to be some uber fun stuff. (Sorry Germans for not using the umlauts. I don't know how to type those. Blame it on my computer.) Good night and in case I don't see you again, good morning, good afternoon and good evening.
So Kara, being the wonderfully wacky and yet always knows what to say when she needs to say it and yet still manages to annoy me sometimes, brought me some food and drink tonight at the desk. I missed her, we didn't get to talk much at the lunch table and then I've been non stop all day. I went to class and then to a money seminar and then to lunch and then to my career coach and then to study and then to the lab to cut a wing and get let down when my plane wouldn't start and then back here to play PS2 and then to work and now I'm back. I've not gotten much done, despite the studying and desk shift. I need to become more productive I think. Or maybe not, I'm still sane and passing my classes.
Man I got on google earth and saw the awesome race track in Germany, the Nürburgring and I can't wait to get loaded, filthy, nauseatingly sick and take a wicked awesome car over there and burn the tires out from under it. It's going to be some craziness. Anywho, it even looks cool from space or near earth orbits or whatever. I could take it though. Oh man, I should check out the tracks in Italy. I've got to find that magazine with the coordinates. Hm....yummy. Well I think I should at least try to sleep now. Try being the key word.
I read in my communications book that the more you know someone the closer you sit to that person. It's a 4000 level class and I'm reading about that. Man oh man, this is going to be some uber fun stuff. (Sorry Germans for not using the umlauts. I don't know how to type those. Blame it on my computer.) Good night and in case I don't see you again, good morning, good afternoon and good evening.
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
you already are
I think I found my special spot today. I wasn't feeling alive at all and I found this one place I go to week after week and I feel alive. I feel alive because I am so open yet I can relate to so many of the things I see and people never know it. It's amazing how well these home made secrets convey the thoughts of the person. I like them. I like them alot.
I saw Megan today. Lately I could never remember why I ever dated her, but it's amazing how good she is at making me forget all the bad. I hated to see her because I knew it would happen. I fell for her again. We talked for a bit and she told me all her plans, which I honestly didn't care about because I'd only worry about her. I told her all my woes and such, as usual and she left. I don't know my stance on things. Of course I'm not going to hook back up with her, at least not until it turns out we are looking for the same things in a relationship. I just went above and beyond with her. I fought so many demons while I was with her. It's like those summer camps that suck-you get so close to those people. I'm still putting the pieces back together, but it'll be okay. I promise. Enough of this for a bit.
My lab TA is so crazy. He hassled this one guy all night about writing on the wrong side of the paper and then using a pencil and then making up numbers. It was really funny. It was burning up in there and I really didn't have a clue how to write up my lab notebook, but it was fun just laughing at the TA. Go Steve!
Man LARC 1003 is the most boring class ever! Brad told me the teacher is a nudist, so that makes things a little better, cause I just laugh imagining him running from a bear totally nude. Ouchie! Okay, it's not that bad a class, but I could design better. I know I could.
Bible study is such a great thing for me. I love planning stuff and then just rambling in our get togethers. It's great to see my best friends are also Christians. It's like the perks of RFCs plus some more. Good stuff. I can't wait to see what happens this semester. God is working and I can't wait to see what happens.
NERD ALERT! If you think I'm pretty cool and stuff, don't continue reading.
I'm really excited about the build/fly stuff this year. I'm charging my plane as we speak and I'm going to fire it up tomorrow. WOOO!! I built two wings but they both failed, so I've got to redo them. I also have to build a super awesome box for the plane. That'll be fun. Steven and Chris Deal and Aaron Schoolcraft are all dorking it up and working on this stuff. I also talked to a guy about interning at Porsche, BMW, and Toyota and like five guys in class perked up and were listening. We talked about how cool it'd be and all that stuff. I got a little giddy. Working for Porsche would be the coolest thing I could ever imagine. I'd make copies or get tea for the Germans, just to get a nice polo with the words "Porsche" on it. Man oh man. Enough of this, I'm getting all giddy again. Anywho sweet dreams or good morning, whichever. I'd rather be racing and running from cops on this nice PS2 game, but whatever. You people needed an update on my life I suppose.
I saw Megan today. Lately I could never remember why I ever dated her, but it's amazing how good she is at making me forget all the bad. I hated to see her because I knew it would happen. I fell for her again. We talked for a bit and she told me all her plans, which I honestly didn't care about because I'd only worry about her. I told her all my woes and such, as usual and she left. I don't know my stance on things. Of course I'm not going to hook back up with her, at least not until it turns out we are looking for the same things in a relationship. I just went above and beyond with her. I fought so many demons while I was with her. It's like those summer camps that suck-you get so close to those people. I'm still putting the pieces back together, but it'll be okay. I promise. Enough of this for a bit.
My lab TA is so crazy. He hassled this one guy all night about writing on the wrong side of the paper and then using a pencil and then making up numbers. It was really funny. It was burning up in there and I really didn't have a clue how to write up my lab notebook, but it was fun just laughing at the TA. Go Steve!
Man LARC 1003 is the most boring class ever! Brad told me the teacher is a nudist, so that makes things a little better, cause I just laugh imagining him running from a bear totally nude. Ouchie! Okay, it's not that bad a class, but I could design better. I know I could.
Bible study is such a great thing for me. I love planning stuff and then just rambling in our get togethers. It's great to see my best friends are also Christians. It's like the perks of RFCs plus some more. Good stuff. I can't wait to see what happens this semester. God is working and I can't wait to see what happens.
NERD ALERT! If you think I'm pretty cool and stuff, don't continue reading.
I'm really excited about the build/fly stuff this year. I'm charging my plane as we speak and I'm going to fire it up tomorrow. WOOO!! I built two wings but they both failed, so I've got to redo them. I also have to build a super awesome box for the plane. That'll be fun. Steven and Chris Deal and Aaron Schoolcraft are all dorking it up and working on this stuff. I also talked to a guy about interning at Porsche, BMW, and Toyota and like five guys in class perked up and were listening. We talked about how cool it'd be and all that stuff. I got a little giddy. Working for Porsche would be the coolest thing I could ever imagine. I'd make copies or get tea for the Germans, just to get a nice polo with the words "Porsche" on it. Man oh man. Enough of this, I'm getting all giddy again. Anywho sweet dreams or good morning, whichever. I'd rather be racing and running from cops on this nice PS2 game, but whatever. You people needed an update on my life I suppose.
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Come back please...I miss you
I had an okay day. I stayed up late and slept late and the natural order of the universe was balanced. Too bad classes are coming up so soon. Ugh. I went to the lab today and had a good time chilling with Steve and Chinaman. It's so cool that he went there despite it being sorta, kinda, a little dangerous for Christians. Go Chris! Stay away from those non-dangerous places and hit the places where Christianity is something you work for, something you show with pride even though you could be killed for it. I wish I could do that.
Drew, I miss you. You were my first real friend in a long time. I could talk to you about my special Valentine's plans for Megan and we worked together to plan some really sweet stuff. You made me laugh and you moved really well for a big boy. Why aren't you still around? Why are you moving away from me? I think you and her a great together, but don't forget me. I know I didn't always think about you or any of you other people who read this, when I was with Megan. I tried. I always thought of you and most of the time brought her along with me to chill with all of you. Please bring her. Please come to the beach. I doubt you read this, but I miss you man. Best of luck with her.
Brings me to think of my problems with Megan a little more. I still don't think the whole ex-boyfriend thing was 100%, but now I see it wasn't so much jealousy or distrust, but it was her doing regardless of how I felt. Just like bringing him on ski trip right after we called it off, total disregard of my feelings. I'm healing fine. Better than expected actually. I'm not so bad at this game actually. The hunt wasn't exactly missed a lot because I constantly had to continue to prove myself to myself more than anyone. I had to try to get you to see things, so I'm not rusty at all. I never quit trying to win you over. I'm done with you now for a while, if not forever. Read this and know you lost a good one.
Moving on, for good I hope. I had a great time tonight. I went to Slim Chicken to meet up with the RFCs I don't have issues with and we had a good time. I didn't really get to talk to them much, but it was fun. I then slid across college and did some cool fishtailing/drifting/sliding/fun. It was soooo cool. I felt like time slowed for just a second and everything was so clear. Weird eh? Well it was a rush, nonetheless. Then we rented "Lucky Number Sleven" and watched it at V's house. First we played Dirty Minds, crazy cool game btw and then we watched the movie.
I like being the organizer. It's kinda hard sometimes, but seriously I like starting the show and letting the rest of the people keep it going. I swear I organized this year's ski trip and last and I also have been the one on the ball with spring break. It seems like I'm the one who makes the plans for the night and then everyone else makes them work. It makes me feel really special. I like it alot because I feel like people listen, but they don't make me make all the decisions. I do wish people would tell me how they really feel about some stuff. I think people, read Jordan, want to leave and get to bed much earlier sometimes but they don't tell me and I'm a sterling example of Newton's First Law-a body at rest stays at rest. I'm comfortable sitting at V's and sleeping in the seat I'm in. I need people to tell me, hey I'm ready to go. Just whisper it in my ear or something. Or for those people who entertain us, tell me it's time for me and the posse to leave.
Anywho, yeah I'm tired. I have some work to get done tomorrow and since I've been somewhat lazy all week, I'll be working quite a bit tomorrow. YAY! Well sweet dreams fellow peoples. BTW, Aeisha 1 Kara 0 ooooooh
Drew, I miss you. You were my first real friend in a long time. I could talk to you about my special Valentine's plans for Megan and we worked together to plan some really sweet stuff. You made me laugh and you moved really well for a big boy. Why aren't you still around? Why are you moving away from me? I think you and her a great together, but don't forget me. I know I didn't always think about you or any of you other people who read this, when I was with Megan. I tried. I always thought of you and most of the time brought her along with me to chill with all of you. Please bring her. Please come to the beach. I doubt you read this, but I miss you man. Best of luck with her.
Brings me to think of my problems with Megan a little more. I still don't think the whole ex-boyfriend thing was 100%, but now I see it wasn't so much jealousy or distrust, but it was her doing regardless of how I felt. Just like bringing him on ski trip right after we called it off, total disregard of my feelings. I'm healing fine. Better than expected actually. I'm not so bad at this game actually. The hunt wasn't exactly missed a lot because I constantly had to continue to prove myself to myself more than anyone. I had to try to get you to see things, so I'm not rusty at all. I never quit trying to win you over. I'm done with you now for a while, if not forever. Read this and know you lost a good one.
Moving on, for good I hope. I had a great time tonight. I went to Slim Chicken to meet up with the RFCs I don't have issues with and we had a good time. I didn't really get to talk to them much, but it was fun. I then slid across college and did some cool fishtailing/drifting/sliding/fun. It was soooo cool. I felt like time slowed for just a second and everything was so clear. Weird eh? Well it was a rush, nonetheless. Then we rented "Lucky Number Sleven" and watched it at V's house. First we played Dirty Minds, crazy cool game btw and then we watched the movie.
I like being the organizer. It's kinda hard sometimes, but seriously I like starting the show and letting the rest of the people keep it going. I swear I organized this year's ski trip and last and I also have been the one on the ball with spring break. It seems like I'm the one who makes the plans for the night and then everyone else makes them work. It makes me feel really special. I like it alot because I feel like people listen, but they don't make me make all the decisions. I do wish people would tell me how they really feel about some stuff. I think people, read Jordan, want to leave and get to bed much earlier sometimes but they don't tell me and I'm a sterling example of Newton's First Law-a body at rest stays at rest. I'm comfortable sitting at V's and sleeping in the seat I'm in. I need people to tell me, hey I'm ready to go. Just whisper it in my ear or something. Or for those people who entertain us, tell me it's time for me and the posse to leave.
Anywho, yeah I'm tired. I have some work to get done tomorrow and since I've been somewhat lazy all week, I'll be working quite a bit tomorrow. YAY! Well sweet dreams fellow peoples. BTW, Aeisha 1 Kara 0 ooooooh
Thursday, January 18, 2007
I'm a rocket scientist
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Choooo Choooo
Warning! This post is full of negative thoughts. I can't contain them anymore. They're there and I want everyone to hear them. They may not be logical, or smart or nice or pretty, but I want to make sure people know I see them and I'm deeply disturbed.
I don't know where to start. First and foremost, if you reply to this and tell me to pray about it, forget me ever taking your advice again. Prayer is a personal thing to pump yourself up. We don't need to pray, God knows what we need before we need it. We pray because we believe that the message is sent to someone who can do something. No one likes to complain to a secretary, she has no power. God does. We pray to let off steam, to vent to the one thing in the whole world that has power to change things. If I ask for your advice, tell me something with some substance. I've vented to God already about what I'm asking your advice regarding. Second, don't tell me to make my own decisions and do what I want. I will make my own decisions. These legs and this body only respond to me. I will consider other people. Other people are the reason we live. If you're living for yourself, I'm sorry. That's sad to me. Jesus didn't live for himself. He didn't go places to see them for himself, he went there to save people. He came here to save people.
People are such a great reason to live. I see all over the place, the old posters about 10 years from now no one will remember what you wore or where you were from or what you smelled like, people remember you for what you did. I will remember what you did and for that I'm very sorry. Because if you treated me like poo, I will remember it. I'll try to give you another chance, but no guarantees. I'm trying to be like Jesus, so maybe you'll catch me at my prime. If you've treated me like I deserve to be treated, like you'd give up anything for me. I love you. That's all I can return. I hope I did a good job of showing you that. If not, I'm still trying. I could list off all your names, but most of you don't read this and the few who do, know it already. I love you no matter what you did to me, although it's a pain I feel sometimes when I love you. It's like this pain I've got in my tailbone from football. It hurt for a long time, but I got over it. Sometimes, though, when I think about it too much or I hit it just right, the pain comes back. My love for some of you has a bruise on it. That bruise will heal, but it will always be a weak spot.
Finally my thoughts on today and my time here so far. I've enjoyed it all. My classes got tough last semester and I found out who wanted to be here with me. I found some friends I will never forget. When things got tough, they were here to hug me and love me and support me 100%. I'm going to leave this place sometime. I don't know where I'm going or what I'll do, but I know I can always count on those friends to be there when I need them. Since I've seen what they'll do when we're all here, I can have full trust they will handle my crisis in a good way in the future. Your friends can talk all the time about how they will help you, but when the times come if they're talking to you over the phone or something and not face to face, you never really know. I know, Roomie, lil sis, Steve, Pony express, Josephine, Jason, I know you guys are there for me. I know that my ME friends are the best I could ask for, even though Joe won't give me more answers and he fights me for the ladies and Steven is a bit lazy sometimes when I want to finish my work and he drives me so jealous of his random trivia bits.
Well I'm finished now. I've lost my steam. I could very easily get it back and the temptation to do so will not cease anytime soon, but I've spent enough time on those thoughts. More time than any guy should have to spend. I would like to thank the two wonderful ski instructors for this evening. You guys rock my socks off. Well actually I'm pretty sure they burst into flames, but thanks anyways. You were my total motivation here. Well I'd love to stay around, but some of us folks have to learn to drive those trains.
I don't know where to start. First and foremost, if you reply to this and tell me to pray about it, forget me ever taking your advice again. Prayer is a personal thing to pump yourself up. We don't need to pray, God knows what we need before we need it. We pray because we believe that the message is sent to someone who can do something. No one likes to complain to a secretary, she has no power. God does. We pray to let off steam, to vent to the one thing in the whole world that has power to change things. If I ask for your advice, tell me something with some substance. I've vented to God already about what I'm asking your advice regarding. Second, don't tell me to make my own decisions and do what I want. I will make my own decisions. These legs and this body only respond to me. I will consider other people. Other people are the reason we live. If you're living for yourself, I'm sorry. That's sad to me. Jesus didn't live for himself. He didn't go places to see them for himself, he went there to save people. He came here to save people.
People are such a great reason to live. I see all over the place, the old posters about 10 years from now no one will remember what you wore or where you were from or what you smelled like, people remember you for what you did. I will remember what you did and for that I'm very sorry. Because if you treated me like poo, I will remember it. I'll try to give you another chance, but no guarantees. I'm trying to be like Jesus, so maybe you'll catch me at my prime. If you've treated me like I deserve to be treated, like you'd give up anything for me. I love you. That's all I can return. I hope I did a good job of showing you that. If not, I'm still trying. I could list off all your names, but most of you don't read this and the few who do, know it already. I love you no matter what you did to me, although it's a pain I feel sometimes when I love you. It's like this pain I've got in my tailbone from football. It hurt for a long time, but I got over it. Sometimes, though, when I think about it too much or I hit it just right, the pain comes back. My love for some of you has a bruise on it. That bruise will heal, but it will always be a weak spot.
Finally my thoughts on today and my time here so far. I've enjoyed it all. My classes got tough last semester and I found out who wanted to be here with me. I found some friends I will never forget. When things got tough, they were here to hug me and love me and support me 100%. I'm going to leave this place sometime. I don't know where I'm going or what I'll do, but I know I can always count on those friends to be there when I need them. Since I've seen what they'll do when we're all here, I can have full trust they will handle my crisis in a good way in the future. Your friends can talk all the time about how they will help you, but when the times come if they're talking to you over the phone or something and not face to face, you never really know. I know, Roomie, lil sis, Steve, Pony express, Josephine, Jason, I know you guys are there for me. I know that my ME friends are the best I could ask for, even though Joe won't give me more answers and he fights me for the ladies and Steven is a bit lazy sometimes when I want to finish my work and he drives me so jealous of his random trivia bits.
Well I'm finished now. I've lost my steam. I could very easily get it back and the temptation to do so will not cease anytime soon, but I've spent enough time on those thoughts. More time than any guy should have to spend. I would like to thank the two wonderful ski instructors for this evening. You guys rock my socks off. Well actually I'm pretty sure they burst into flames, but thanks anyways. You were my total motivation here. Well I'd love to stay around, but some of us folks have to learn to drive those trains.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007
aw poop
Well today was my first string of classes. The first class started great. We moved rooms and still about 7 people ended up sitting on the floor. It was Machine Element Design class. It seems pretty fun, but I've forgotten a ton of stuff since MechEMat and I'm a bit scared. I did some "review" problems earlier and it took over an hour and I still have a ways to go. I guess I'm just out of sync or something. My second class went pretty good. We did have a quiz, that I bombed, but he drops a ton of grades. It's lab II with my adviser and he is a cool cat.
So housing is really making me mad and I think this is going to be the last semester I live on campus. They're requiring a 230$ prepayment which will only apply to spring semester. I'm not sure what I'm doing next year, but I don't think I will be here either fall or spring semester. I don't want to pay now if I'm not going to be here for the fall or if I will be here in fall and not spring. It's ridiculous! Stupid, absurd. I can go on and on. So I'm seriously doubting I recontract. I am going to talk to Jordan and see if he wants to move off campus and if our scholarships will pay for it. I'm not at all hurt to skip out on cafeteria food and community bathrooms. Not at ALL! I just don't know what I'm going to do right now and that is both exciting and scary. I think taking some time off to prolong the college experience would be good for me and fun to see a new batch of friends, but I don't know how long I want to do that. I'm afraid once I stop, it will be tough to start again. I guess if I'm doing engineering stuff, it'll be alright. I don't know though. Study abroad is an option in the fall with internships in the spring or I could go here again in the fall and study abroad in the spring or just study abroad in fall and come here in the spring. I don't know. I'd like to break the monotony of classes here, cause I'm already feeling burn out. I don't know. Any suggestions? Comments? Words on your experiences with housing, scholarships, study abroad, Mustain leaving the Razorbacks? It's all up in the air.
So housing is really making me mad and I think this is going to be the last semester I live on campus. They're requiring a 230$ prepayment which will only apply to spring semester. I'm not sure what I'm doing next year, but I don't think I will be here either fall or spring semester. I don't want to pay now if I'm not going to be here for the fall or if I will be here in fall and not spring. It's ridiculous! Stupid, absurd. I can go on and on. So I'm seriously doubting I recontract. I am going to talk to Jordan and see if he wants to move off campus and if our scholarships will pay for it. I'm not at all hurt to skip out on cafeteria food and community bathrooms. Not at ALL! I just don't know what I'm going to do right now and that is both exciting and scary. I think taking some time off to prolong the college experience would be good for me and fun to see a new batch of friends, but I don't know how long I want to do that. I'm afraid once I stop, it will be tough to start again. I guess if I'm doing engineering stuff, it'll be alright. I don't know though. Study abroad is an option in the fall with internships in the spring or I could go here again in the fall and study abroad in the spring or just study abroad in fall and come here in the spring. I don't know. I'd like to break the monotony of classes here, cause I'm already feeling burn out. I don't know. Any suggestions? Comments? Words on your experiences with housing, scholarships, study abroad, Mustain leaving the Razorbacks? It's all up in the air.
Monday, January 15, 2007
Home, home on the hill
Well I'm back and ready for action. I spent a nice chunk of change on books, but oh well. I guess it costs something to go to school. I'm glad to see all my friends again and I think how short our time left together is. We only have 1.5 years left. Maybe more if I do the whole study abroad/internship thing, but for most of these guys it's going to be over soon. I have wonderful friends, but they all know that so I won't go on about it.
I crawled into my car twice today. My keys don't work too well and the door was frozen pretty well solid, so I popped the hatch and climbed in. I swear, it's always something with that car. I've been saving up for some weather strips and now I'm going to have to, at the least, get a copy of the keys to get in. I've got to figure out what is wrong with that receiver and stuff. If it's not real girlfriends who let me down, it's my automobile girlfriend. I swear....ugh. I love her though, so I'll fix her up nicely. I've got the money now, for a limited time, no doubt, but it's there. Hm....
one key-$20
two weatherstrips-$160
one new exhaust strip-$50
one new transmitter and remote-$100
one bad, little car that always loves me-priceless
for somethings there are credit cards, for everything else there are sports cars
I crawled into my car twice today. My keys don't work too well and the door was frozen pretty well solid, so I popped the hatch and climbed in. I swear, it's always something with that car. I've been saving up for some weather strips and now I'm going to have to, at the least, get a copy of the keys to get in. I've got to figure out what is wrong with that receiver and stuff. If it's not real girlfriends who let me down, it's my automobile girlfriend. I swear....ugh. I love her though, so I'll fix her up nicely. I've got the money now, for a limited time, no doubt, but it's there. Hm....
one key-$20
two weatherstrips-$160
one new exhaust strip-$50
one new transmitter and remote-$100
one bad, little car that always loves me-priceless
for somethings there are credit cards, for everything else there are sports cars

Saturday, January 13, 2007
Rain, rain go away...
So every time I either leave or leave for Fayetteville it's raining. I swear it ALWAYS does that to me. It's like God's trying to tell me to stay home or stay at school, quit going back and forth. It's always sad leaving home. I miss my dad a lot, because we're both really crazy out working on the farm. I cut trees down on top of myself and he gets infected with poison ivy. I know my little brother doesn't work much, so it's kinda sad. Plus he's got a girl up here and he's ALWAYS on the phone with her. ALWAYS! It's ridiculous really. Whatever.
I went to a Caddo game last night and, as usual, they didn't let me down. The two girls teams won pretty easily, but the boys put up a game and a half. We were up by two most of the game, and at the end, the other team took the lead. We got ahead by one and there was about a minute left to go. I couldn't restrain myself anymore and I headed down to the student section. I started some chants and led most of them. It was super fun and we ended up winning.
So it's raining like crazy, but on the way I did occasionally clear the fog on my windows enough to see some stuff.
1) Dumb truckers driving 20 under the speed limit.
2) Some ducks running and jumping in the puddles in people's yards
3) Some drainage covers spilling out water in Mena
4) Some idiots with no lights on.
5) Kara
Fun trip. I stopped by Kara's house, which is super nice btw, and ate a kicking good burger. I got gas for 2.09 and found out I'm averaging around 26 mpg and also totally blew my exhaust open. I now drive a nice muscle car, with a nice beefy exhaust note. You should hear it. Seriously.
I went to a Caddo game last night and, as usual, they didn't let me down. The two girls teams won pretty easily, but the boys put up a game and a half. We were up by two most of the game, and at the end, the other team took the lead. We got ahead by one and there was about a minute left to go. I couldn't restrain myself anymore and I headed down to the student section. I started some chants and led most of them. It was super fun and we ended up winning.
So it's raining like crazy, but on the way I did occasionally clear the fog on my windows enough to see some stuff.
1) Dumb truckers driving 20 under the speed limit.
2) Some ducks running and jumping in the puddles in people's yards
3) Some drainage covers spilling out water in Mena
4) Some idiots with no lights on.
5) Kara
Fun trip. I stopped by Kara's house, which is super nice btw, and ate a kicking good burger. I got gas for 2.09 and found out I'm averaging around 26 mpg and also totally blew my exhaust open. I now drive a nice muscle car, with a nice beefy exhaust note. You should hear it. Seriously.
Thursday, January 11, 2007
we all have our stories
So I just finished the third and final Lord of the Rings movie. It was a tear jerker, I won't lie. It's so sad because at the end, much like real life, they all split up. Sam and Frodo and Gandalf and the rest endured so much together and in the end, they had to go onto their own journeys. It makes me think a lot about the guys I've grown so close to during college, through finals and essays and dumb papers and projects and poor professors. We grew so close and it's going to be sad someday to move on. At the same time, I have to be careful not to stick in the student for life rut and actually move on. Granted, I'm thinking more and more of going after my Master's degree, but still at some point I have to get into the work force and make a new life for myself. Along those same lines, I've thought some more and I think I'd rather go abroad in the spring. I think it'd be cool to see the land down under during the fall and winter and plus, as bad as this sounds, I don't want to miss any football games. I do so much love college football. If I do that and end up not being able to get all classes in, that's fine. I just take what I can pay for and then go an extra semester and graduate either during the summer or during the fall. I'm an open-ended book right now.
So I got in trouble today for using a metal spoon on one of mom's new, stick-proof pans. She went on and on and on for about 30 minutes, after 15 or so I found a new task outside to do. I heard her inside still ranting. It's kinda sad she feels she has to be so mad about some pans. I guess she's always wanted some like those and she didn't want them to get messed up. I don't know. I was just trying to cook myself something to eat. But I got mad at first and then I just laughed. Over and over. It started when I thought about this picture I once got of this girl in profile that read on the back "for personal reasons". That always makes me smile and chuckle. So I just laughed and finished my job outside, went inside, ate dinner and it was all peachy. I thought I might cuss or threaten to never come home again, but I just let it go. For me, that's a huge accomplishment. It gets to the point, I suppose, where respect for your parents comes even in their flaws. It's love speaking. That's what love of another person is, dealing with them even in spite of their flaws. I guess I've never be able to hold onto that kind of love with a significant other. I wonder what it truly feels like. I've thought I could do it, but in the end, I failed. That's okay, all relationships teach you something and lead you to something/someone else. I learned a lot from my relationship with Megan, and I hope I learned enough to call the next relationship I have the last one, but if not I know God will lead me through it. He always does. ALWAYS. Never failing, never cheating, never too much to handle, never ending. That's God. He's my homeboy.
So I got in trouble today for using a metal spoon on one of mom's new, stick-proof pans. She went on and on and on for about 30 minutes, after 15 or so I found a new task outside to do. I heard her inside still ranting. It's kinda sad she feels she has to be so mad about some pans. I guess she's always wanted some like those and she didn't want them to get messed up. I don't know. I was just trying to cook myself something to eat. But I got mad at first and then I just laughed. Over and over. It started when I thought about this picture I once got of this girl in profile that read on the back "for personal reasons". That always makes me smile and chuckle. So I just laughed and finished my job outside, went inside, ate dinner and it was all peachy. I thought I might cuss or threaten to never come home again, but I just let it go. For me, that's a huge accomplishment. It gets to the point, I suppose, where respect for your parents comes even in their flaws. It's love speaking. That's what love of another person is, dealing with them even in spite of their flaws. I guess I've never be able to hold onto that kind of love with a significant other. I wonder what it truly feels like. I've thought I could do it, but in the end, I failed. That's okay, all relationships teach you something and lead you to something/someone else. I learned a lot from my relationship with Megan, and I hope I learned enough to call the next relationship I have the last one, but if not I know God will lead me through it. He always does. ALWAYS. Never failing, never cheating, never too much to handle, never ending. That's God. He's my homeboy.
So today's been really good. I woke up and went outside to feed the cows. Did that for a bit and then started the LOTR series. I started with number two, since the fellowship of the ring is on VHS. These movies have some amazing effects and whatnot, but it's really about friendship. I'm watching the second one now and Sam is talking about the stories where you didn't want to hear the end because there was no way it could be better, but it DOES get better. "when the sun shines, it'll shine out the clearer. Those are the stories that stick with you...folk in those stories had lots of chances to turn back, but they didn't cause they had something to hold onto." Good stuff. I'm not sure which one I like the most, but the Two Towers might just be it. The third has good battle scenes, but I think this one has the best story, ideas, etc.
I made some kickin caramel corn today. It was some good stuff. I only dropped the spoon into the pan twice and coated it with caramel, burned myself once, and burned a few kernels of corn. Not too shabby I think. It tastes amazing. I think caramel is my favorite candy on the whole. Just caramel. Throw it with chocolate, or on top of cookies or in candy bars and it's all good.
Tomorrow Chelsea's got a game. I'm looking forward to that and all the fans. I love to get into those games and cheer and start chants and whatnot. I'll see what kinds of fans we've got this year.
Speaking of Caddo, I went to school yesterday and helped mom and all those little girls were so funny trying to get my attention. Shoot, even the little boys were wanting my attention. But I talked to my old AP English teacher for a while and then my AP physics teacher, whose son is coming to Fayetteville possibly, and finally my awesome history teacher. She's been to Japan and loved it and wanted to hear all about Russia. She had a ton of questions and asked me to come back and talk to her World History class. I told her I was thinking of studying abroad either fall or spring of next year and she said over and over to go for it. We'll see. I don't know how well I can fit stuff in my schedule, but who cares if I stay another year? I've got lots of friends below me and lots more stuff to learn.
Seeing all the NFL prospect videos makes me miss NCAA football. I wish it lasted as long as that dumb baseball crap lasts. Oh well, I guess I can focus on NCAA hoops or lacrosse or something. Maybe I'll try to keep up with the new season of F1 racing or something. It's time to branch out.
I made some kickin caramel corn today. It was some good stuff. I only dropped the spoon into the pan twice and coated it with caramel, burned myself once, and burned a few kernels of corn. Not too shabby I think. It tastes amazing. I think caramel is my favorite candy on the whole. Just caramel. Throw it with chocolate, or on top of cookies or in candy bars and it's all good.
Tomorrow Chelsea's got a game. I'm looking forward to that and all the fans. I love to get into those games and cheer and start chants and whatnot. I'll see what kinds of fans we've got this year.
Speaking of Caddo, I went to school yesterday and helped mom and all those little girls were so funny trying to get my attention. Shoot, even the little boys were wanting my attention. But I talked to my old AP English teacher for a while and then my AP physics teacher, whose son is coming to Fayetteville possibly, and finally my awesome history teacher. She's been to Japan and loved it and wanted to hear all about Russia. She had a ton of questions and asked me to come back and talk to her World History class. I told her I was thinking of studying abroad either fall or spring of next year and she said over and over to go for it. We'll see. I don't know how well I can fit stuff in my schedule, but who cares if I stay another year? I've got lots of friends below me and lots more stuff to learn.
Seeing all the NFL prospect videos makes me miss NCAA football. I wish it lasted as long as that dumb baseball crap lasts. Oh well, I guess I can focus on NCAA hoops or lacrosse or something. Maybe I'll try to keep up with the new season of F1 racing or something. It's time to branch out.
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Home sweet home
Well I'm finally home. I ended up taking Vanessa to Russellville yesterday night to meet her mom. It was a nice thing to do, and I felt bad for not being able to rent her a car. It's all good, it only took me an hour out of the way.
Today I went to the eye doctor and received some bad news. It turns out wearing contacts for long amounts of time, reduces the amount of oxygen your eyes get. Well mine were so starved that my blood veins began creeping across my eye into my iris. She started freaking out and told me I've got to replace them once a month and that it could lead to blindness and all this jazz. So I got a special pair of extremely strong lenses because my eyes are worse than they're supposed to be. I went up one whole point in one eye and half in the other. So I've got to wear these super awesome contacts for a few weeks and come back in for a follow-up in which she'll decide whether I can get more contacts or have to wear glasses for a bit. It's possible I'll be wearing glasses for 6 months if my eyes don't improve. Poopy! Positive-I did get some new glasses. These are pretty nice looking. As a matter of fact, I'll post them on here.
Anywho, that's it for me. I am going to the dentist tomorrow. While I was at the eye doctor, a friend of mine's sister treated me. She told me my friend has gotten married and was selling vacuums now. Exciting! It's so good to hear about old friends from high school, even if their job sucks. hehehe get it? Have a great day. Thanks for reading. Don't forget to check postsecret.com today.
Today I went to the eye doctor and received some bad news. It turns out wearing contacts for long amounts of time, reduces the amount of oxygen your eyes get. Well mine were so starved that my blood veins began creeping across my eye into my iris. She started freaking out and told me I've got to replace them once a month and that it could lead to blindness and all this jazz. So I got a special pair of extremely strong lenses because my eyes are worse than they're supposed to be. I went up one whole point in one eye and half in the other. So I've got to wear these super awesome contacts for a few weeks and come back in for a follow-up in which she'll decide whether I can get more contacts or have to wear glasses for a bit. It's possible I'll be wearing glasses for 6 months if my eyes don't improve. Poopy! Positive-I did get some new glasses. These are pretty nice looking. As a matter of fact, I'll post them on here.

Anywho, that's it for me. I am going to the dentist tomorrow. While I was at the eye doctor, a friend of mine's sister treated me. She told me my friend has gotten married and was selling vacuums now. Exciting! It's so good to hear about old friends from high school, even if their job sucks. hehehe get it? Have a great day. Thanks for reading. Don't forget to check postsecret.com today.
Monday, January 08, 2007
So Close, but so far away
So I didn't want to leave real early today, but now I'm ready to go. I've been at Vanessa's all day, watched a movie or two, ordered pizza and now I'm ready to go home. Stinking little brother, why doesn't he just tell his girl bye and come pick me up. V's car is messed up, so I'm going to run her to the car rental place. I'm too nice, I swear.
I miss Jordan's. It was nice and cold with snow and pretty bunnies. I am already pumped for next year and dreaming about boarding with my new skills. It was really fun chilling with the guys and especially Libby. We had some seriously funny moments. I got a few on camera and some on tape. Should be good watching in the future.
Ah....home. I'm actually looking forward to getting home and relaxing for a bit. It'll be sad to have dial-up again, but I'm sure I can manage. I'm kinda getting down about another semester of school. I don't want to have to work for another girlfriend, but I'm feeling that nagging feeling in the back of my head. I've got a few prospects, but the ones I'm most interested in seem to have circumstances which will cause problems for a little bit. We'll see. I might just cruise for a bit and get closer to God. I know I got real close on this trip with the blizzard and insane boarding. I know God was watching over me those few times I busted it hard. I'm pretty sure I sustained a serious concussion the first day and I think my sphincter took a few nice hits.
So yeah, the last day of boarding was amazing! I am glad I quit on a good foot. I'm already looking forward to the huge trip next year. I've got plenty of time to plan it, but I want to get a good idea of costs and interests and what not. I'm super tired. I went to bed around 730 I think. I did fall asleep on the floor around 6 or so, but I woke back up and crawled into bed around 730 and then got up around 11:15. Ugh...I'm horrible.
I miss Jordan's. It was nice and cold with snow and pretty bunnies. I am already pumped for next year and dreaming about boarding with my new skills. It was really fun chilling with the guys and especially Libby. We had some seriously funny moments. I got a few on camera and some on tape. Should be good watching in the future.
Ah....home. I'm actually looking forward to getting home and relaxing for a bit. It'll be sad to have dial-up again, but I'm sure I can manage. I'm kinda getting down about another semester of school. I don't want to have to work for another girlfriend, but I'm feeling that nagging feeling in the back of my head. I've got a few prospects, but the ones I'm most interested in seem to have circumstances which will cause problems for a little bit. We'll see. I might just cruise for a bit and get closer to God. I know I got real close on this trip with the blizzard and insane boarding. I know God was watching over me those few times I busted it hard. I'm pretty sure I sustained a serious concussion the first day and I think my sphincter took a few nice hits.
So yeah, the last day of boarding was amazing! I am glad I quit on a good foot. I'm already looking forward to the huge trip next year. I've got plenty of time to plan it, but I want to get a good idea of costs and interests and what not. I'm super tired. I went to bed around 730 I think. I did fall asleep on the floor around 6 or so, but I woke back up and crawled into bed around 730 and then got up around 11:15. Ugh...I'm horrible.
Saturday, January 06, 2007
Today was AMAZING! I did really well for the whole day. I did have some good wipeouts but for the most part I tore things up. After lunch it started snowing again and the wind picked up. Libby and I went up on the tallest main lift and there was a frostbite warning and massive winds. MASSIVE! I'm talking I had to push myself off the lift chair. The wind blew me over a few times and I could barely see five feet ahead of myself. It was super fun, though. I don't know why I did so much better today, but I think it had to do with being rested up and showing off for Libby. =)
Yesterday was really fun too. We went to Fort Collins and visited a costume store. We spent an hour or so in there and had a lot of fun. We tried on all the hats and checked out all the nice, dirty jokes there. Next we went to a cool, little brewery. We toured it and headed to another brewery where we ate dinner. I had a nice BBQ brisket and some not-so-good chicken trips. They were 90% batter and 10% chicken. The dip was good though, the beer not so good. After a while there we went to a little place called Average Joe's. They had a cover charge for some girl we'd never heard of, but we did it and she turned out to be really good. One other guy named Josh Dillard played really well and then Tara Leigh Cobble was the main show. All were good.
Today on the way to the slopes I got a bit annoyed. Jason thought it would be funny to honk the horn at people. It got a lot of laughs, but I thought it was kinda annoying. Oh well, it was a little funny, I suppose. Plus Jason pulled out some amazing driving earlier in the trip when some guy cut him off and Jason had to lock up the brakes and then swerve onto the solid ice shoulder. The tail of the car started fishtailing and Jason whipped it back and forth about 5 times before he got complete control again. Impressive.
We're leaving tomorrow sometime early. I'll be spending the night at Vanessa's, I guess. Cory has an ACT on Monday, but after that we'll head home. It's been a real fun trip and I've got a lot of good video footage and a few good pictures. Should be fun to watch later.
Yesterday was really fun too. We went to Fort Collins and visited a costume store. We spent an hour or so in there and had a lot of fun. We tried on all the hats and checked out all the nice, dirty jokes there. Next we went to a cool, little brewery. We toured it and headed to another brewery where we ate dinner. I had a nice BBQ brisket and some not-so-good chicken trips. They were 90% batter and 10% chicken. The dip was good though, the beer not so good. After a while there we went to a little place called Average Joe's. They had a cover charge for some girl we'd never heard of, but we did it and she turned out to be really good. One other guy named Josh Dillard played really well and then Tara Leigh Cobble was the main show. All were good.
Today on the way to the slopes I got a bit annoyed. Jason thought it would be funny to honk the horn at people. It got a lot of laughs, but I thought it was kinda annoying. Oh well, it was a little funny, I suppose. Plus Jason pulled out some amazing driving earlier in the trip when some guy cut him off and Jason had to lock up the brakes and then swerve onto the solid ice shoulder. The tail of the car started fishtailing and Jason whipped it back and forth about 5 times before he got complete control again. Impressive.
We're leaving tomorrow sometime early. I'll be spending the night at Vanessa's, I guess. Cory has an ACT on Monday, but after that we'll head home. It's been a real fun trip and I've got a lot of good video footage and a few good pictures. Should be fun to watch later.
Friday, January 05, 2007
Man it was crazy on the slopes today. We got there and one of the lifts was closed due to 70mph winds. They ended up opening it, but all day the wind was reeking havoc on the slopes. I sucked up my pride and went over to some bunny slopes, but ended up finding some good greens and blues that were really good. I did ride the bunny once, but it was short and lame. I did get a nice ego boost though. It's snowing like crazy in the mountains and Denver, so we're taking tomorrow off and going back on Saturday. It's nice to get a little break, but after my last run today I am ready to get out there again.
I don't know what we're doing tomorrow. I think we might go hit some pubs and stuff in Fort Collins. I don't know for sure, probably just chill out downtown. I'm having a ton of fun here with the guys and Libby and even sometimes Luke. Jordan's dad has been taking us to the slopes everyday, which has been nice, cause I hate driving back after the slopes.
I'm thinking alot about my upcoming three semesters and don't know what I want to do. I thought studying abroad would be nice, but now I think I'd rather just keep chilling in Faytown. I don't know, I'll see what can work as far as studying abroad, and go from there. I guess I'll wait and see what God's got planned. The only problem is that I can't always see what God's got planned. I guess I will just keep going with my gut feeling and see where that leads me. I've gotten this far, so it must be working. I think God speaks to us in many ways and instinct is one of them.
I don't know what we're doing tomorrow. I think we might go hit some pubs and stuff in Fort Collins. I don't know for sure, probably just chill out downtown. I'm having a ton of fun here with the guys and Libby and even sometimes Luke. Jordan's dad has been taking us to the slopes everyday, which has been nice, cause I hate driving back after the slopes.
I'm thinking alot about my upcoming three semesters and don't know what I want to do. I thought studying abroad would be nice, but now I think I'd rather just keep chilling in Faytown. I don't know, I'll see what can work as far as studying abroad, and go from there. I guess I'll wait and see what God's got planned. The only problem is that I can't always see what God's got planned. I guess I will just keep going with my gut feeling and see where that leads me. I've gotten this far, so it must be working. I think God speaks to us in many ways and instinct is one of them.
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
Snowboarding is the place to be
So we had our first day on the slopes today. We left super early, but had a good time. I'm not in nearly the snowboarding shape I need to be, but I'm making it. I'm much better than last year, but still not as good as I should be. I did break my shoes, so I got a new setup today to try tomorrow. I'm looking forward to that. It's kinda funny how everyone's all gung-ho about blacks and stuff, because to me, they're dumb for boarding. I can't do any cool tricks when I'm struggling to stay alive going down a massive hill. I felt kinda bad last year when all the skiers beat me so bad, but I don't feel that way so much now. I saw a ton of good boarders wipe out and a ton more just sitting around on the snow. I only managed four trips down today, but it was a long trail and I was exhausted. From what I hear, boarding is much harder than skiing and also more tiring, so I don't feel so bad about my four trips. They were all fun, minus one trip where I had to pee so bad I couldn't concentrate.
Boarding is like football for me. I'm nervous before I start and dread it, but once I get going, it's pure bliss. I did pop my head really hard today and so I'm not as excited now as I was earlier. I need a helmet. My head still hurts, and I'm really sleepy and my pupils are lagging. Concussion is my prognosis. Who knows?
So yeah it was fun today. More than anything I like seeing all the people try their tricks and try not to look dumb when they wipe out. "It was the wind." "Did you see that kid cut me off?" "He knocked me down." My excuse is that I hit my head and couldn't concentrate anymore and once I had to pee so bad I couldn't think straight. Honestly, I'm pretty decent now. I get on streaks and then end up wiping out when I get tired. My problem is I can't heelside turn and my calves get tired of toesiding it. Oh well, tomorrow's a new day.
Boarding is like football for me. I'm nervous before I start and dread it, but once I get going, it's pure bliss. I did pop my head really hard today and so I'm not as excited now as I was earlier. I need a helmet. My head still hurts, and I'm really sleepy and my pupils are lagging. Concussion is my prognosis. Who knows?
So yeah it was fun today. More than anything I like seeing all the people try their tricks and try not to look dumb when they wipe out. "It was the wind." "Did you see that kid cut me off?" "He knocked me down." My excuse is that I hit my head and couldn't concentrate anymore and once I had to pee so bad I couldn't think straight. Honestly, I'm pretty decent now. I get on streaks and then end up wiping out when I get tired. My problem is I can't heelside turn and my calves get tired of toesiding it. Oh well, tomorrow's a new day.
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
My legs are kinda sore
So I hiked for about three hours today in the RMNP and it was some deep snow. We used some awesome snow boots with these sharp spikes and wide bases. They helped alot, but didn't help all the time. I slid a few times and couldn't always make it up the hills. The area was beautiful. There was like 3 or more feet of snow in the unpacked areas and we walked across several frozen ponds, lakes, etc. When we got to the summit, the view was cool and the final lake we came upon was really nice, but super windy and cold.
We then came back to Jordan's and watched some super troopers, ate some amazing lunch, and rented our snowboards and skis. We're super pumped about tomorrow, although I'm a bit nervous that I won't be able to pick up where I left off or even better. I'm going to have to be sure to keep my head straight and not lose confidence in whatever I've got. It's a war on multiple fronts-physical and mental. Always...
We then came back to Jordan's and watched some super troopers, ate some amazing lunch, and rented our snowboards and skis. We're super pumped about tomorrow, although I'm a bit nervous that I won't be able to pick up where I left off or even better. I'm going to have to be sure to keep my head straight and not lose confidence in whatever I've got. It's a war on multiple fronts-physical and mental. Always...
Monday, January 01, 2007
Maybe I'm not
I'm not really that good of a person I don't think. I get grudges and hope things go wrong for that person or group. I won't mention the groups or people, but I sometimes get stuck on breaking things into chaos or hoping things don't go well. I don't know why.
So it's nice to be with friends and girls again. hehehe. I'm looking forward to hitting the slopes and getting my mind off recent girl events in my life. Speaking of that, I don't know my current mindset on that. I'm not sure if I'm mad or sad or happy. Maybe a little bit of all of them, but mostly I've got quite a bit of unresolved anger. The ex boyfriend issue still pisses me off and I'm not even dating the girl, that's partially why I don't want to talk to her anytime soon. If she wants to talk, she's welcome to contact me, but otherwise I don't see the point. When I decided to date her, I essentially forfeited the chance to be good friends in the future. Close-minded, I'm sure, but that's how I feel. I'm still hurt from the relationship abuses and I don't want to fix stuff right now.
I'm super pumped about snowboarding. I've got a bit of anxiety about it, but I'm also ready for another challenge. It's going to be a mental battle. Last year I got really discouraged after everyone picked up skiing so well and I couldn't get boarding, but I'm ready to do it this year. Im going to try for some tricks or two and hit the blues super hard this year. I hit them some last year, but I'm going to live on them this year and maybe hit a black or two. Honestly everyone boasting about blacks annoys me, because blacks aren't what I feel snowboarders build up to. We build up to tricks and whatnot. You skiers can go as fast as you want and carve and whatever it is you do, but I'll stick to my rails and jumps. Got it?! Good. I'll kill you otherwise. =)
Hiking tomorrow is going to be some fun stuff.
So it's nice to be with friends and girls again. hehehe. I'm looking forward to hitting the slopes and getting my mind off recent girl events in my life. Speaking of that, I don't know my current mindset on that. I'm not sure if I'm mad or sad or happy. Maybe a little bit of all of them, but mostly I've got quite a bit of unresolved anger. The ex boyfriend issue still pisses me off and I'm not even dating the girl, that's partially why I don't want to talk to her anytime soon. If she wants to talk, she's welcome to contact me, but otherwise I don't see the point. When I decided to date her, I essentially forfeited the chance to be good friends in the future. Close-minded, I'm sure, but that's how I feel. I'm still hurt from the relationship abuses and I don't want to fix stuff right now.
I'm super pumped about snowboarding. I've got a bit of anxiety about it, but I'm also ready for another challenge. It's going to be a mental battle. Last year I got really discouraged after everyone picked up skiing so well and I couldn't get boarding, but I'm ready to do it this year. Im going to try for some tricks or two and hit the blues super hard this year. I hit them some last year, but I'm going to live on them this year and maybe hit a black or two. Honestly everyone boasting about blacks annoys me, because blacks aren't what I feel snowboarders build up to. We build up to tricks and whatnot. You skiers can go as fast as you want and carve and whatever it is you do, but I'll stick to my rails and jumps. Got it?! Good. I'll kill you otherwise. =)
Hiking tomorrow is going to be some fun stuff.
Colorado by morning
It was a crazy trip here. We left at 6:45am from Fayetteville and showed up at Jordan's house around 3:30am. It was so much fun to get here. We started driving north into Kansas and hit a massive blizzard. We discovered that I70 was closed west of Salina so we turned around and headed south and then west across Oklahoma. It was all good and then we hit an ice storm. EVERYTHING was coated with ice. We even saw this sad cow frozen in a few feet of ice. It was calving and a sad picture. We got to Guymon and everyone was there. It was so crowded in the city. Well we kept going west and got to Boise City and they would not let us go any further west or north. We turned around and headed north from Guymon. We got into Kansas again and the roads weren't great, but passable. We did see a girl lose control and slam into a guard rail. She was okay and we continued trekking along. We got to I70 and the entrance ramp was blocked by some semis and so we had to head east again and then north to I70. We finally got on and it was much cleaner. I got up to 75 or so a few times. We finally rolled into Greeley around 2:45 and due to the incompetence of Joe, we made it to Jordan's around 3:30.
We're going to Rocky Mountain National Park to hike for a bit tomorrow. We're going to get some snow boots or something with spikes and waterproofing and then later we'll check out our ski gear. We've not done anything today but eat and watch NCAA football. Our wonderful hogs managed to lose another game. They're good when they are consistent but today was not one of those days. The refs and commentators sucked major donkey today too. oh well.
Jordan's house has soooo much snow. There's about two feet everywhere and most places have much more snow than that. I stepped into some snow earlier and it was way deeper. I had trouble getting out, but I made it finally.
Some fun things I did on the trip.
1) Try to hit as many birds as possible. I nailed 3, one solid and Joe managed 1 I think.
2) See how many cars we could pass and still not slide on the ice.
3) Go totally random on the iPods.
4) Laugh at little trucks with two wheel drive.
5) Find power outlets anywhere I could to charge my phone, including a burger king bathroom area, and a walmart lamp aisle.
We're going to Rocky Mountain National Park to hike for a bit tomorrow. We're going to get some snow boots or something with spikes and waterproofing and then later we'll check out our ski gear. We've not done anything today but eat and watch NCAA football. Our wonderful hogs managed to lose another game. They're good when they are consistent but today was not one of those days. The refs and commentators sucked major donkey today too. oh well.
Jordan's house has soooo much snow. There's about two feet everywhere and most places have much more snow than that. I stepped into some snow earlier and it was way deeper. I had trouble getting out, but I made it finally.
Some fun things I did on the trip.
1) Try to hit as many birds as possible. I nailed 3, one solid and Joe managed 1 I think.
2) See how many cars we could pass and still not slide on the ice.
3) Go totally random on the iPods.
4) Laugh at little trucks with two wheel drive.
5) Find power outlets anywhere I could to charge my phone, including a burger king bathroom area, and a walmart lamp aisle.
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