So now that I've got this massive processor of a computer, I decided it was time to get google earth. I've now had it for about 47 minutes and I just keep looking at the square of my house. It's kinda odd how little detail they have for 92 Eagle Rest. I mean I've got a pool visible from most satellite images and yet google earth only has my ponds. Maybe I'm supposed to pay some more money and get the better one, complete with images of small towns. Or maybe there's a small town add-on I need. Hm....
So Kara, being the wonderfully wacky and yet always knows what to say when she needs to say it and yet still manages to annoy me sometimes, brought me some food and drink tonight at the desk. I missed her, we didn't get to talk much at the lunch table and then I've been non stop all day. I went to class and then to a money seminar and then to lunch and then to my career coach and then to study and then to the lab to cut a wing and get let down when my plane wouldn't start and then back here to play PS2 and then to work and now I'm back. I've not gotten much done, despite the studying and desk shift. I need to become more productive I think. Or maybe not, I'm still sane and passing my classes.
Man I got on google earth and saw the awesome race track in Germany, the Nürburgring and I can't wait to get loaded, filthy, nauseatingly sick and take a wicked awesome car over there and burn the tires out from under it. It's going to be some craziness. Anywho, it even looks cool from space or near earth orbits or whatever. I could take it though. Oh man, I should check out the tracks in Italy. I've got to find that magazine with the coordinates. Hm....yummy. Well I think I should at least try to sleep now. Try being the key word.
I read in my communications book that the more you know someone the closer you sit to that person. It's a 4000 level class and I'm reading about that. Man oh man, this is going to be some uber fun stuff. (Sorry Germans for not using the umlauts. I don't know how to type those. Blame it on my computer.) Good night and in case I don't see you again, good morning, good afternoon and good evening.
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1 comment:
...I even annoy myself sometimes...
everyone does. That's what makes us human. or something like that.
I'm sad that you went home for tonight. boo.
I bought an 88 cent recorder. Time for me to be even more annoying. :)jk...but I really did buy one.
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