I don't know where to start. First and foremost, if you reply to this and tell me to pray about it, forget me ever taking your advice again. Prayer is a personal thing to pump yourself up. We don't need to pray, God knows what we need before we need it. We pray because we believe that the message is sent to someone who can do something. No one likes to complain to a secretary, she has no power. God does. We pray to let off steam, to vent to the one thing in the whole world that has power to change things. If I ask for your advice, tell me something with some substance. I've vented to God already about what I'm asking your advice regarding. Second, don't tell me to make my own decisions and do what I want. I will make my own decisions. These legs and this body only respond to me. I will consider other people. Other people are the reason we live. If you're living for yourself, I'm sorry. That's sad to me. Jesus didn't live for himself. He didn't go places to see them for himself, he went there to save people. He came here to save people.
People are such a great reason to live. I see all over the place, the old posters about 10 years from now no one will remember what you wore or where you were from or what you smelled like, people remember you for what you did. I will remember what you did and for that I'm very sorry. Because if you treated me like poo, I will remember it. I'll try to give you another chance, but no guarantees. I'm trying to be like Jesus, so maybe you'll catch me at my prime. If you've treated me like I deserve to be treated, like you'd give up anything for me. I love you. That's all I can return. I hope I did a good job of showing you that. If not, I'm still trying. I could list off all your names, but most of you don't read this and the few who do, know it already. I love you no matter what you did to me, although it's a pain I feel sometimes when I love you. It's like this pain I've got in my tailbone from football. It hurt for a long time, but I got over it. Sometimes, though, when I think about it too much or I hit it just right, the pain comes back. My love for some of you has a bruise on it. That bruise will heal, but it will always be a weak spot.
Finally my thoughts on today and my time here so far. I've enjoyed it all. My classes got tough last semester and I found out who wanted to be here with me. I found some friends I will never forget. When things got tough, they were here to hug me and love me and support me 100%. I'm going to leave this place sometime. I don't know where I'm going or what I'll do, but I know I can always count on those friends to be there when I need them. Since I've seen what they'll do when we're all here, I can have full trust they will handle my crisis in a good way in the future. Your friends can talk all the time about how they will help you, but when the times come if they're talking to you over the phone or something and not face to face, you never really know. I know, Roomie, lil sis, Steve, Pony express, Josephine, Jason, I know you guys are there for me. I know that my ME friends are the best I could ask for, even though Joe won't give me more answers and he fights me for the ladies and Steven is a bit lazy sometimes when I want to finish my work and he drives me so jealous of his random trivia bits.
Well I'm finished now. I've lost my steam. I could very easily get it back and the temptation to do so will not cease anytime soon, but I've spent enough time on those thoughts. More time than any guy should have to spend. I would like to thank the two wonderful ski instructors for this evening. You guys rock my socks off. Well actually I'm pretty sure they burst into flames, but thanks anyways. You were my total motivation here. Well I'd love to stay around, but some of us folks have to learn to drive those trains.

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