Friday, January 05, 2007


Man it was crazy on the slopes today. We got there and one of the lifts was closed due to 70mph winds. They ended up opening it, but all day the wind was reeking havoc on the slopes. I sucked up my pride and went over to some bunny slopes, but ended up finding some good greens and blues that were really good. I did ride the bunny once, but it was short and lame. I did get a nice ego boost though. It's snowing like crazy in the mountains and Denver, so we're taking tomorrow off and going back on Saturday. It's nice to get a little break, but after my last run today I am ready to get out there again.

I don't know what we're doing tomorrow. I think we might go hit some pubs and stuff in Fort Collins. I don't know for sure, probably just chill out downtown. I'm having a ton of fun here with the guys and Libby and even sometimes Luke. Jordan's dad has been taking us to the slopes everyday, which has been nice, cause I hate driving back after the slopes.

I'm thinking alot about my upcoming three semesters and don't know what I want to do. I thought studying abroad would be nice, but now I think I'd rather just keep chilling in Faytown. I don't know, I'll see what can work as far as studying abroad, and go from there. I guess I'll wait and see what God's got planned. The only problem is that I can't always see what God's got planned. I guess I will just keep going with my gut feeling and see where that leads me. I've gotten this far, so it must be working. I think God speaks to us in many ways and instinct is one of them.

1 comment:

Keith Fraley said...

I rarely read blogs. Rarely. For some odd reason I have landed on your blog and find your writing compelling. I read one sentence and I want to read more. Your words flow, they are sincere and not threatening. You write of things many people are interested in.

I believe the Lord would have me tell you to continue to write and submit your work for publication. Write about God, cars, football, whatever. Write about something and submit to online or print magazines. God has given you a gift. Check out Relevant Magazine (and my essay about Oxford published in the Career section) and consider writing an essay for it. See the writer's guidelines.

Welcome to my blog!

I'm glad you stopped by. If you're not too busy, take a sit and read a little. If you really feel special, leave me a comment. Even a nice "hello" will work.