Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Damn it feels good to be a gangsta

Finals are upon us. It's nights like tonight where I am so proud to be an engineer. Not just any engineer (because some engineers aren't engineer at all) but a mechanical engineer. I left the ME party around 930 and went to the ME building until 1am. I hit some hardcore German and tomorrow,, I'll study it some more and study some ICE and call it a day, probably at about the same time. It's so insane to know that you could study all semester and be totally on top of things and most ME classes will still kick your butt. Man oh man. Life is too good. got Seether's new album. It's really good. They've got some nice lyrics and awesome guitar playing. I love music. It makes my life so much better. That and having a wonderful girlfriend and a few friends I can always count on. Life is way too good.

It's funny, I don't care about the house stuff anymore. It could be that I've become a bit of a slob myself or it could be that I know what happens in the end. I do care that I haven't been paid rent yet, so I suppose I'll have to go break some legs tomorrow. Fun times.

I only need a 78 on my final in TSAD to get the grade I want. I think my GPA is going to be nice this semester, despite working 13 hours a week and spending 30minutes a day traveling back and forth to the house. Plus if you factor in job hunting, which BTW is going AWESOME, I think I've done well this semester. I've honestly dealt with more crap outside of class than in it, but it's all good. Karma.

Okay well I actually do need to get up and be productive, again, today so I suppose this is it. In case you were wondering, I have a job offer from Albemarle for much more than normal and an interview with HP in Houston coming up. Joe's bonus might have been better, but my salary slaps his in the face.

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