Sunday, January 20, 2008

Wonder what he's thinking...

I just got back from the hospital and seeing my grandpa. He's dying. He told the nurses to quit giving his medication; now he's only taking pain meds. My mom and aunt have been up there for a few days now and my mom's wearing down. My grandpa's just sleeping peacefully. I've never seen him with facial hair, but it's all gray and white and looks good on him. His hair's all messed up in a faux hawk and like I said, he looks peaceful. He's having trouble breathing, but they've been giving him oxygen treatments to help him. The hardest part if seeing my aunt and mom dealing with it. Mom's really emotional and she's really struggling. I suppose I'm really here more for her than for my grandpa.

Mom told me that they gave my grandpa some pain killers that caused him to flip out; she and my aunt spent all night holding him down. When it finally broke, he slept again. Mom said at about 4am or so, he sat up and starting reaching for their hands. They grabbed his hands and he said "Let's pray. Dear God, please forgive me for I am a sinful man." He then laid back down. Shortly after, he sat up again, eyes closed still, and said "and thank you Lord." How's that for a Godly man? He's already set amounts for all his kids and grandkids and the rest goes to the church. One of my fondest memories of him was taking all his massive orange juice jars, full of change, up to the church and leaving it there for the orphanage. He had a key and he'd let himself in when no one was there and just leave the change. It had to be over a thousand dollars each time.

It'll be sad to see him go, but I know he's ready to get back with his wife in the form we all loved and remembered. It really makes me appreciate what I have and how God can take over a person's life. He is my inspiration and my greatest role model in Christ. I don't know what tomorrow may bring, but I know that I was there and I told him I loved him and couldn't wait to join him fishing in heaven. He had his eyes closed, but he moved his fingers and turned a little and I'm sure he heard me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You hang in there. I never really had a grandpa so I don't know what it is like loosing one. I just hope when I'm old and wrinkly people will look back on my life like you are doing with your grandpa and say great things about me too. I'm sure it meant a lot to him seeing you for possibly one last time.

p.s.(I know he heard you)

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