Sunday, September 13, 2009

I found God on the corner of 1st and Amistad...

Where were you when everything was falling apart?

Last Sunday, the 6th of September, at around 7pm. Enough said here. It was a hard time for me as the car I had picked out on the lot and saved all my money for was already sold when I got there.

Postsecrets still keep me thinking. We have so many secrets we can't even look at them all. So many, too many. Open up, we all have them. That is the beauty of the site; it makes us realize that we all have secrets and we are not alone with our thoughts. Many secrets we have that we don't even know are there. They slowly consume us.

I'm sorry if my post doesn't make much sense. I thought about just typing with a starting point and seeing where this blog goes. My life is crazy right now; I'm in Dallas at the end of the week. Huntsville, I hope, next week and Phoenix the next. In October I am driving to Nashville to see a concert and maybe a few Corvettes. I'll be 24; really an uneventful birthday to celebrate. That's about it. My whole room mate situation isn't too bad. He's relatively clean and the extra money each month helps a lot. This month I should finish up paying for my surgery and all that jazz. That will be a nice additional $300 a month or so. Good times. Classes are alright; I have about four weeks left in this semester and then I'll be down to four classes. Aced a paper last week that I found rather unimpressive; I hope I'm not lowering my standards to the point that engineering is going to kick my butt. We'll see I suppose.

Moving on...

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