Monday, July 09, 2007

She's a gimp, but she's still smokin hott

So V's ACL surgery went well. She made it through and now has rehab and crutches for a few weeks. I drove over to see her this weekend. When I got there she was asleep on the couch with this massive knee brace on. The thing seriously weighed five pounds. She also used a walker to get around, that was a real hoot to watch although I felt bad for the girl who was making moves and burning me to the basket just a few months ago. She's strong though and has already gotten off her pain meds. But I hung out at her place all weekend and slept on the floor in the den one night to help tend to her if she needed anything. We toured her old stomping grounds and although it was small and very country, I enjoyed hearing her talk about the good times she had owning the softball field or getting beat up by special kids. hehehe. That one really cracked me up. Her mom made some AWESOME food and I thought her dad opened up a lot more to me and we talked quite a bit. I'm not planning on seeing her this weekend, but the next weekend she might roll up here.

Work last week wasn't too bad. I put in some more long days trying to clean up this storage room. It's still not done, but I'm finished messing with it. The rest is up to the other intern. He's been rather lazy and I think it's time for him to do some real work. I really like my work, but I wish I had more to do. I don't like going in and not knowing what I'm going to do all day. I try to keep myself super busy and I like it better that way.

Golfing has been fun. I went twice last week and I plan on going a lot this week. My family is coming in this weekend to play and I've got to be ready to own them on my home course. I will to, you watch. Anywho I haven't showered since Friday and I think I'll go take one now. Think it's time?

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