Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Go tell your momma

I am taking a deep breath and I know that this sensation will pass. I am not a crazy, anal person. I am not a neat-freak. I do not care if I have to clean up after you, because Jesus was a servant. What would Jesus do? He will not yell at you for smacking excessively. He will not hit you in the face with the pots you leave dirty. He loves everyone, even those people without any sort of sense of cleanliness. He wants me to be a servant and take joy in cleaning your hair off the toilet, out of the bathtub, off the sink and off the floor. He wants me to take out the trash even when it is possible for you to do so yourself. He wants me to continually unload the dishes that have been clean for hours now. Jesus wants me to serve you in the most humble fashion that I can. I will not yell at you for being irresponsible. I will not insult you, belittle you or talk behind your back. I will smile and ask you how your day was, I will laugh at your lame jokes and help you out if you need a hand. That is what Jesus wants me to do and I am thankful for the chance I get to be a servant. Thank you Jesus. Thank you God. I am your servant and I will remain that way. Thank you.

What do I do to make you serve me?

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