Thursday, April 12, 2007

I'll tell you, but I won't elaborate...

I am loving this stuff. I mean I have been working like crazy on this new spring design for an air compressor and it's really hard, but I actually kind of enjoy it. I guess this is my thing, too bad the tests are more like this. I have a ton of projects right now, so I probably shouldn't be typing this up, but I am. I've got stuff in Comm, MED, and astro. Luckily, my desire to have nothing over my shoulders has caused me to be almost completed with the astro and working like a maniac on this MED. Now for homework due in those classes.

The past couple of days have flown by. I don't know if it's because I am so busy or what, but man oh man. Today's my super hard work day, so I am living up to that by living in the basement for a few hours. I think my current relationship with Vanessa is changing. It's doing some weird stuff. We've decided to take a step back from the physical aspect of it and focus more on what's inside and God. I think it is a good step and look forward to seeing how it goes. So far, so good. The only hard part is the fact she's so smokin' hott. Ah temptation...gotta love it.

The house stuff still hasn't come through. I am waiting on an email from the owner about possibly reducing the rent a little each month. It isn't too bad like it is, but I could stand to spend a little less. Either way, we're taking it. Steven, Jordan and myself, what a great crew. Plus Taco Bell is right there, not a five minute walk away. Oh yes, oh yes.

I'm on edge, FYI. Keep it up and things are going to get messy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good luck on all your projects!

I bet you are sooo excited about Taco Bell. hehe.

What's gonna get messy??


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